So I am a lvl 70 CW. Right now I have the Ioun Stone of Allure. Just go the Epic Air Archon from a lockbox. Should I sell or equip? The lowest Epic Air Archon is 440k AD in the market. I sure could use that kind of coin! Not sure what would work better at this stage of the game. I thought certain folks could use (2) companions at once. Is that true? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Easy decision, play and want more damage? Equip the archon. Need AD bad? Sell him. They will go down in price, bought my 3rd for like 200k two days ago.
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife
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When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
The Air Archon has got a good Active Bonus if I remember so isn't a bad one to equip. Damage Bonus to targets not at full health. AD is always good but you've got to make the decision if you do sell then what are you gonna spend the AD on? Is it going to add more than the Air Archon?
I got the Iron Golem Companion ages ago from a Lockbox and equipped instead of selling and I deeply regret that now as the Active bonus is an extra 1200 HP which in Mod 6 is completely pointless. I'm probably gonna get an Air Archon once I've got the AD.
Would this Air Archon be a good fit for CW build? Are my states decently balanced? Thank in advance
Active Bonus:
Increases your damage against targets not at full health by +5.0%. Each additional active Archon increases this bonus by .5%
Applies to you as long as this companion is active.
Expert Striker: This companion is a seasoned adventurer and while summoned has boosted stats, defenses and attack abilities. Unlocks at rank 20.
Master Striker: This companion is a true adventurer and while summoned has strongly boosted stats, defenses and attack abilities. Unlocks at rank 35.
Tempest Blade: A mighty swing of the archon's blade.
I say sell it and invest in one or two control pets.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Air Archon is good but I'd get an Augment like a Black Dragon Ioun Stone first.
I'm control focused, but have to say, the bonuses have been imperceptible and I no longer keep active Ctrl based companions. However, locking down mobs has been fine and useful. Except Giants. Their still a bit of pain..