I love the seasonal events that you offer each year, and especially appreciate that you add a little something new for your long time players to keep it fresh. I'm a collector of mounts (I would so love if you added a mount tab for us please?) and the thought occurred to me while waiting for yesterday's live stream that it would be especially awesome if you added a broom mount to next year's Masquerade of Liars event! It would be neat if it had the Tenser's disk flippy animation (and maybe sparkle trail like the unicorn?). Anyway, I would definitely pay to have that guy upgraded to a fast mount if it were added at a green quality 50% mount speed.
TL;DR Please consider adding a broom mount with flippy Tenser's disk animation and unicorn sparkle trail for next year's Halloween event.
Thank you for your consideration.
But to the OP ++1. Who doesn't want a flying broom mount?
long time ago, some of them were living alone or got lonely.
they used "Nightgale plant" as oil-like cream, it is toxic, but they used on the broom for private entertainment and also to feel high as if they were "flying", and when they are having a sex with a man, and first thing he noticed a green stain.