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I am now 100% sure those admin messages are a complete lie and planted there.

majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
In the last hour I have seen the same guy pull 5+ epics from them including a Symbol of Water from a lockbox that hasn't even been introduced yet.


  • cobrasnipe32cobrasnipe32 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Are the black earth boxes still dropping?
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Care to elaborate so this makes any sincee?

    Was it at a bar, your house, his house, maybe twitch, maybe?

    Talking about floating text?

    Some sarcasm but interested to know exactly what ya mean.
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    Yours is the only post that makes no sense.
  • cobrasnipe32cobrasnipe32 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Well that's interesting.
    The fact that 1 player pulled two legendary within enough time to fit both messages in the chat box is highly suspect.
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User

    Well that's interesting.

    The fact that 1 player pulled two legendary within enough time to fit both messages in the chat box is highly suspect.

    If i scrolled down a short distance there was a third one pretty close by, If I didn't have to swing by the enclave it would probably be on the same page.
  • luigipr31luigipr31 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    Crushing Wave Lockbox??? That smells fishy. LOL
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    luigipr31 said:

    Crushing Wave Lockbox??? That smells fishy. LOL

    I see what you did there lol. I suspect they were testing and forgot to turn off the admin text.

  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    Well that's interesting.

    The fact that 1 player pulled two legendary within enough time to fit both messages in the chat box is highly suspect.

    It happens often, it happened to me. Opened 150 lockboxes in a row and hit 2 epic items within 10-15 boxes. 5 is not out of the question but is unusual. But, he may have opened 1000 boxes. It's been done before and streamed on PC.

    Stuff from an unreleased box, that is what I would question.

    There has been no mention that they were both in the chat box at the same time, or that there were 2 legendary items. Only that within an hours playing time he saw 5 admin message with the same player name. Since the player names displayed for admin message are not unique(they don't include the gamertag), if it was a common name it could be multiple players. Names like legolas, Drizzzt, etc. He can't post the name without violating the TOS, but could perhaps say if there was something unique about it.

  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    The name can be seen up above and I doubt it was different people. You can try to claim "someone got lucky" all you want but that doesn't explain obtaining an item that doesn't exist in game yet. My point is that they spam these messages so you think you have a better chance of winning an item and buy keys, it's another deceptive practice that this company employs. Such as changing in game prices the day after an event to screw everyone who participated in the event, or removing benefits from a paid service less then a month after people bought the service, or leaving a banner up claiming your premium service will end within seven days despite what your remaining account balance is, or removing the benefits of a profession that took an insane amount of time invested and not even re-working the profession in any manner to make up for the loss, I could go on.
  • ddem0n888ddem0n888 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    They definitely repeat them. I've seen a user name Googles get the same item from the same lockbox around 30 times now.
    Guild - Excalibur
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    They aren't made up admin messages. On the pc version one particular player name came up so often that it picked up my notice and then I ran into that player in an instance. Sure enough, BiS everything, they spent a metric ton of $ opening lockboxes and got all their perfect gear and while most players don't spend that much money and don't have the admin messages spam their name, there is always that one person who spends 10k USD on the game. True, its unlikely that one person gets 5 things in a short period of time, but even if it is a 1 in 1 million chance, if you got 1 million players, its likely to happen for at least 1 person and if you that 1 person who spends 10k$, its more likely to be you then anyone else.
  • fastandfrivolousfastandfrivolous Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    It would be much more believable if they added a running count of lockboxes opened ("received an Alabaster Arrow of Improbability after opening 347 lockboxes")
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User

    They aren't made up admin messages. On the pc version one particular player name came up so often that it picked up my notice and then I ran into that player in an instance. Sure enough, BiS everything, they spent a metric ton of $ opening lockboxes and got all their perfect gear and while most players don't spend that much money and don't have the admin messages spam their name, there is always that one person who spends 10k USD on the game. True, its unlikely that one person gets 5 things in a short period of time, but even if it is a 1 in 1 million chance, if you got 1 million players, its likely to happen for at least 1 person and if you that 1 person who spends 10k$, its more likely to be you then anyone else.

    None of this discounts the fact that he opened an item that doesn't exist in game.
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Just a heads up for our next box, and a cheeky way of doing it, guarantee its on a gm
  • flarestar#4285 flarestar Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    yoshi baby and a few others are lockbox hax0rs
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User

    yoshi baby and a few others are lockbox hax0rs

    That is the other name I see a lot. Not usually in rapid succession though.
  • vdeekvvdeekv Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    I saw the same admin messages you're referring to. A buddy and I both pulled up the feed history and screenshotted it, as we were so surprised to see "****** has acquired a Symbol of Water artifact from the Crushing Wave Lockbox"... Would love to know how that one was achieved! No sign of the artifact on the AH either, which is the first place you'd find it if I pulled one atm B)

    There was a guy, who seems to have either stopped playing or stopped opening lockboxes, that clearly opened an insane amount. We'd regularly see "(british prestige car)J*n has acquired xyz" in the feed, iirc aprox. 10 times in the space of 2/3 hours once. I used to see him in game quite frequently (inspected him and yep BiS all round ;) ) as well as see lots of high value items posted by him on the AH.
  • kriptical1kriptical1 Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    Saw that too last night and was like wut...
    Also, 150 lock boxes. Omg. I mean the rng is so evil on those things. Why?
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    Why do folks play slot machines? That's some evil RNG wrapped in angelic graphics.
  • msbegotngirlmsbegotngirl Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I knew they were on a repeat to make it seem like it happens more often than it does, but I hadn't noticed any weird ones like boxes we don't have.

    Older boxes can be explained by hoarders like me, and that they get sold / traded.
  • stercesderisedstercesderised Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    This would be a law breaking business violation if true and intentional. Essentially it's a form of false advertisement to sell keys. Feel free to read up at FTC.gov; they don't make it tough to make a case. And they can freeze all assets of cryptic for violations.

    The fact that people paid real money for zen to pickup leadership resources only to have the product changed is toying with false advertisement and business practice / ethics laws.

    It's only going to take one opportunist to sue if these behaviors continue...

    The first statute from the FTC clearly states (quoted):

    The FTC is empowered "...(a) to prevent unfair methods of competition, and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce..."
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Maybe read ToS. The "I'm going to sue/me and my friends are taking are toys and going home" thing has been used since free to play games started.

    They're still thriving. The model has been replicated repeatedly with great success. Pretty sure the bases are covered.
  • stercesderisedstercesderised Member Posts: 334 Arc User

    Maybe read ToS. The "I'm going to sue/me and my friends are taking are toys and going home" thing has been used since free to play games started.

    They're still thriving. The model has been replicated repeatedly with great success. Pretty sure the bases are covered.

    Not in the context of the examples given. "Free" 2 play model is fine; flat out deceptive commerce practices are not....
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    In all fairness, Googles opens A LOT of lockboxes, but I have no doubt they are repeating the messages many times over...
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User

    Nice evidence... Very suspicious.
    On a lighter note, I see your character name is Sabin and your companion is named Edgar. Is their last name Figaro by chance?

    lol... it was Majik a while back who picked up on my characters name from the FF series... Rydia :)

    Then I have characters/companions names Rosa, Kain, Cecil, Terra, Locke, Shadow etc etc.... Love all the names from FF4 and FF6 :)

    Back to topic someone mentioned Yoshi Baby earlier on in the thread... their name popped up a couple of hours ago again via an Admin message.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User

    Maybe read ToS. The "I'm going to sue/me and my friends are taking are toys and going home" thing has been used since free to play games started.

    They're still thriving. The model has been replicated repeatedly with great success. Pretty sure the bases are covered.

    Not in the context of the examples given. "Free" 2 play model is fine; flat out deceptive commerce practices are not....
    This company is nothing but deceptive. They run a permanent banner that states your VIP time is under 7 days and you need to renew no matter what your VIP time remaining is, they told us we would not get changes to dragon hoards and leadership and then less then a month later did both. They ran an event encouraging people to buy refinements and upgrades and then almost a day after dropped all the prices on those items. I could go on.
  • apathy408apathy408 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    As someone who's won a legendary mount I absolutely guarantee you when my name popped on screen it was completely real lol. Sorry it hasn't happened for you yet. Don't lose faith.
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User

    Nice evidence... Very suspicious.
    On a lighter note, I see your character name is Sabin and your companion is named Edgar. Is their last name Figaro by chance?

    And btw, my daughter's name is Terra Branford (last name here) if that is any indication.
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    apathy408 said:

    As someone who's won a legendary mount I absolutely guarantee you when my name popped on screen it was completely real lol. Sorry it hasn't happened for you yet. Don't lose faith.

    There may be some real ones yes, but they clearly add in fake ones to trick people into thinking that it happens all the time and the odds are clearly not in their favor.
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