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I think I'll delete my Warlock (shock)

arcofortep12arcofortep12 Member Posts: 2,265 Arc User
edited October 2015 in The Nine Hells
It cost me money to build it, lot of wasted time, etc.

It still works in party PVE (not as intended probably) but soloing became real HAMSTER. Problem is easily explained: up until lv. 60 it's an easy and fun class. After 60 everything become more challenging, you have less chance to replenish you lifebar with Life Steal because your damage is increased by little but your HP grow far more. After hitting lv. 70 your HP is so big and your Life Steal become even less performing (because new equipment do not provide Life Steal and Severity is still locked at 100%). So old warlocks that benefit from old boons have a chance to survive, new warlocks hit a wall impossible to cross. I already tried Temptation and Damnation. The only viable soloing is Damnation but even with that sucking puppy it's truly squishy. It was better than CW until lv. 65 then it became even squishier (!). With an IL of 1600 in Dread Ring with T1 equipment it's HAMSTER I can't imagine people with lv. 115 equipment even entering that place.

It's a broken class, period. After lv. 70 it's a pain for people that haven't already got their boons when they were 60 and the class was working. The fact that there is no word from developers on an overhaul (like boosting base LS to a tiny 15% plus 150% LS severity) is disarming and very unprofessional. It would took 1 person day to fix that class through feats changes (just those that count on make it survivable), it's not something complex. 15% LS from feats for all trees plus 150% severity would already do something and wouldn't still make it OP in PVP where burst damage counts. Then a look (tweak!) to Temptation and Fury capstones.
Are those little and needed changes so hard to take months? Can I play the Warlock by doing only T1 dungeons? :o
New people can't properly play solo the class at endgame!

P.S.: Dark Prayers at end game isn't enough. Just a small tweak to it alone would make the whole class playable!! Reworked like this:
Level 1 +3% LS
Level 2 +3% LS
Level 3 +3% LS
Level 4 + 50% LS Severity
PLAYABLE (Temptation will end with more LS to offset the loss in DPS).

- All I say it's just my opinion. Peace. -
- Sunrise Knights are always recruiting active good-hearted players ;) 'Let the Sun shine!' -
Post edited by arcofortep12 on


  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    i deleted mine months ago, and started with the mainstream class... wizard.
  • winters323winters323 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    They have mentioned that they plan on reworking/buffing the Warlock class in Mod 8. So maybe hold on until then.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Its not hopeless
    Using WB+BoVA+DT is the best setup for squishy warlocks
    And the only way leads through sharadar next dread ring next IWD and WoD
    But you are right its a real pain, lots oft potions lots of death and gold in case you are not VIP level7
    Compared to my GWF its a bad joke, he cuts through all this with ease
    I don't hava a good advice except using DtD and casting TT or immolation spirits on every mobgroups entering a fight
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Warlock bargain is a lasting dot , that reflects damage an give HP back.
    If you cast TT on an elite target followed with WB than cast BovA and DT that target gets debuffed by 5 stacks 12,5% -DR and you 12,5+ DR, if I remember correctly
    WB + BovA + DT in melee deals tons of damage to that target and spreads it on every other mob nerby
    BoVA ticks in short time very often and by that heals you from LS in top DT+BoVa generates Sparks in no time

    In case you are fury don't forget to ALLWAYS apply Warlock curse first before castig WB, otherwise creeping death will not proc that much

    Feats are BT+DtD or ACC i use
    And being squishy in former times only way was WB+Dt+BovA
    Having your daily up every time after a fight due to DtD is a big help
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • flowcytoflowcyto Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    My basic advice to any low-ilvl SWs for soloing: a) choose Soulbinder and avoid Hellbringer like the plague, b) rank up and slot Borrowed Time and Essence Defiler immediately, c) do at least 1-2 rotations of Defiler at the start of each fight to get an initial burst of soul sparks, d) slot and use WB early on as well. Gear for some lifesteal, -resist, and crit. After that ya can mostly do w/e ya want in terms of remaining powers, stat points, and feats (some options being better than others, ofc), but the basics should get you on the path to surviving better when ur out solo.

    Soul Scorch is good, ofc, but using it heavily means ur really hampering any self-healing from BT. SS is not so good that ya can't replace it w/ a decent encounter power that doesn't constantly drain ur sparks (DT? Hadar's Grasp? Harrowstorm? Killing Flames? Fiery Bolt? BotVA? all fine for solo imo). Would rather take a hit to 'ideal' dps to not worry about dying as much when out alone.

    Its not too bad once ya prioritize self-healing via lifesteal, BT + sparks, and WB. Not a walk in the park- like soloing w/ an OP, Destroyer GWF, TR, CW, or Trapper HR.. but not terrible either.
    <CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
    - Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • blazious11blazious11 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    Guys I'm doing pretty good with Temptation too, I can't believe you get outdpsed with easy. Something should be wrong in your rotation.

    Why no point, I'm in the HR range while buffing 5% DPS and 20% movement to all, boosting LS to anyone and sharing some HP plus a slice of temp HP.
    Useless it's a big word... it should be looked at by developers, like so much paths, but I'm happy for now. I'm still not at end-game need more time to test out so I can change opinion eventually. For now I'm more happy than with Fury (I had just a decent boost in DPS but without all the buffs and LS), worst Capstone I've seen.
    Maybe you should test some more, before you try to convience more experienced players that the character is good. You should also test more, and understand a class' mechaniks before publishing a build.

    WB+DT with BT and DtD will save you in every SW Soulbinder path, because of the mechaniks schitindebux already stated. For solo, I use Fiery bolt to clear mobs fast, but I guess it only works with higher IL. BoVa is better in low level escpesially with Darkness feat, but I just wouldn spent points for it. On low levels, I would'nt recommend using Soul Scorch, because it uses your Soulsparks, and you are better with them ON.

    A tank companion will help for solo. Damnation is not good for solo, it's only good in party, because the bugged puppet does more damage if buffed by other players. You just can't buff it enough alone.

    Anyway, you should not delete any lv 70 toon, it's just stupid. Strum already stated, that they are looking into SW class, there will be a rework, maybe with mod 8.
    P.S.: Dark Prayers at end game isn't enough. Just a small tweak to it alone would make the whole class playable!! Reworked like this:
    Level 1 +3% LS
    Level 2 +3% LS
    Level 3 +3% LS
    Level 4 + 50% LS Severity
    The problem is not with life steal severity, with this, SW would be killable only with one hits or by heavy control. A highly geared SW can heal the party, but only with dps. If they dont do damage, heal is off. So OP and DC healing mechaniks will be always better, and they bring a lot of buffs/ debuffs for the party. Temp SW needs some good party buff, to people even condsider bringing it as a healer.
    Post edited by blazious11 on
    My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
  • pricetagcloudpricetagcloud Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    I got a neat 2.7k SW and she is still having the hardest time in WoD. Trans vorp/lesser SF, rk7/rk8's, DF gear (non-elemental), personalized rings, slotted elemental shirt/pants, DR Shar and IWD boons done (thank god was in mod 5 except for the forge upgrades in IWD for mod 6), but getting the second and third boons or even questing in general over at WoD is impossible.

    On the goofed up paingiver charts, when I run with an unbuffed soul puppet, I am equivalent to a DPS CW at 2.2k with similar gear, or a newer 2k GWF. My problem isn't necessarily the damage, but the mobs in the tier 1 and 2 dungeons make any point into life steal or defense useless because even after their arp nerf or whatever it is, I still get 2-shotted from range or 1-shotted from melee. Exceptions would be the zombies in eCC (3-shot) and 2-shot from rage drake.

    I'm unsure what my role is when looking at other strikers.
    DPS-spec'd CW = AOE dmg and control
    GWF = AOE dmg (god-like)
    HR = jack of trades (I guess?)
    TR = generally 1-target spike damage (i guess?)

    The way I play my SW is single target DoT (curse+SS/HG) with Immolation Spirits for extra spike DoTs, or TT to spread the love if needed.

    My problem is that the DoTs do little dmg that I can't get enough health from lifesteal; my defense (at 3.4k ac 18) can't hold a candle in dungeons. Dead DPS = 0 DPS. The dungeons mobs and WoD mobs are hitting too hard (between 25k-40k normal, not critical).

    This solely based on how I play without support. With support our parties do great. I do great. But there are a lot of bugs working for us. Without the bugs we could be talking about a failed class.
    SW: Callisto Shedevil. Soul Binder Temptation 16.1k GS
    GUILD: ~Myrmidons~

    Would Love to party up with people for pretty much anything!
  • taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    i have 2.8k sw, but don't have any problems in iwd or wod. WB DT and HG slotted if i face harder group i use TT, even harder TT + wheel of elements +30% damage.
  • rottersrotters Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    I loved my HB fury warlock build....recently Ive moved over to SB fury. I hate not having instant dps. SB feels like it winds up then nukes everything. Weirdly I feel more brittle as a SB than I did as a solo HB. 35-40 mill dps in elol and 130mill dps in etos cant be a bad build though.

    Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy

    Part of the -Fabled- Alliance

    We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
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