So i don't know if it it just me and if it is i would like some assistance but it seems everytime i pvp with my hunter i just get demolished by ever other class everytime. I'm running trapper and the normal rotation of foxes cunning,hindering shot, constricting arrow my HP is pretty low at 50k and i understand and am going for the burning gear to get it up but is that really affecting me in pvp? I mean i go like 0 and 5 everytime and i can't seem to kill anyone 1v1. My item level is 2.3k
Yes, if a well geared HR gets to you and roots you, it is game over. Guess what? It was likely game over anyways because they probably significantly outgear you. If thats not the case, then it was a matter of who stunned who first wins (which it would be with a CW).
If you don't outgear them, HRs just dont have the burst DPS to drop people that fast. Its going to take a couple rotations multiplied by the gear difference. If the target has a trans negation and R12's...good luck.
For the record, I hate stuns and anything else that totally disables your character. No place in PvP at all and it always fails when it comes to balance.
To OP, you are very low geared for PvP, and are likely getting rolled by people that significantly outgear you. Welcome to NW PVP.