Everytime I try to use it all it does is make the screen go dark and gives me nothing. It does not freeze tube game and has been happening since last night. GT: SaltyPenguin21
I usually put it down to lag - though if you have an item in the right side of your tray that takes time to active (lucky coin, hamster etc), occasionally you'll trigger that as well as the invocation and you'll get that dark screen until the item has finished activating.
Have you guys been able to solve the mystery of the Invoking Not Working? I've been checking everywhere and it seems to either be unsolvable or due to bag overload. I emptied all of my add on bags and most of my personal bag and still nothing. Screen goes dark as mentioned above but no rewards. I don't have anything running either (i.e. coin/hamster). Put in a ticket but no answer yet. Any thoughts? (xbox one platform.)
The only time invocation does this for me is when I have items in my overflow bag. If your overflow bag is empty, then I can't help you, but if you have anything sitting in the overflow, move it to your bags and invocation will work. It usually gives the rewards as soon as the overflow is empty.
I usually put it down to lag - though if you have an item in the right side of your tray that takes time to active (lucky coin, hamster etc), occasionally you'll trigger that as well as the invocation and you'll get that dark screen until the item has finished activating.