Aspect of the Falcon bug
I have it at rank 4 which should be Range +3, +3, +3, +3 however it appears to be barely +3.
I've been playing an Archery build for some time, well since mod 3. I noticed that my range from distance isn't what it use to be, I never really paid attention until the other day standing next to another ranger who didn't use aspect of the falcon and he was able to stand the same distance as me and fire at a target while I have "Aspect of the Falcon" on and at rank 4. Could you please change this so it actually does work? maybe the logic in the game is confused and you should just have it rank 1 +3, rank 2 +6, rank 3 +9 and rank 4 +12. Since there is a feat that allows you to do more damage the further you are from the target, it doesn't work if everyone is the same "max" range regardless of having Aspect of the Falcon on or not.
Thank you
Okay, we HR's could only wish for some slight boost in our Archery build dps.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.