You may be interested in joining Guild Medieval We are a mature, family friendly and exploit free guild. It's very friendly and social, we have no TIL requirements and value the person behind the keyboard over the gear they have. We are also very active in GMT/CET evenings.
Our guild rules are very strictly:
- No exploits, cheats or hacks - No profanity (not even mild) - No bullying or name calling
You may be interested in joining Guild Medieval We are a mature, family friendly and exploit free guild. It's very friendly and social, we have no TIL requirements and value the person behind the keyboard over the gear they have. We are also very active in GMT/CET evenings.
I has engaged into recruitment process with another multi-game guild, but your guild is certainly type of one i'm looking for.
You may be interested in joining Guild Medieval
Our guild rules are very strictly:
- No exploits, cheats or hacks
- No profanity (not even mild)
- No bullying or name calling
If you would like some more information on us, you can visit our recruitment thread here:
There is also lots of info on our website and you can apply here:
If you have any questions, you can add me ingame (@cbnia) and I would be more than happy to help
Guild Medieval *GH20*
We are always recruiting mature, family-friendly, helpful and courteous people
— (The unwritten rule)