If my memory serves, back a couple years ago, I recall a place on the map called Gauntlgrym, where you ran around built catapults, killed mobs and collected stuff while queing for a pvp match. If your team won, then there were dungeons you could run. I don't see anywhere on the map like that anymore. They remove it?
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
It was split into 3 parts: bubby PvE, PvP (where PvE part winner fraction had +10% damage boost) and finally dungeons part, T1 available for both fractions and T2 only for PvP winners. Each part lasted half hour.
From all the 1.5h Gauntlgrym even, only PvP left, without catapults, without Giants and with 10v10 instead of old 20v20 queued PvP. You could queue to GG PvP only during 2nd phase and thus play 1, 2, or very rare, 3 matches during the event, usually only once every 6h.
There was also possibility to earn Glory without even PvP by killing elementals and giving back fire and earth to cars during last 10 minutes of 2nd phase (PvP).
If you want to know more, head to the wiki article: Gauntlgrym. I spent many hours to make a very descriptive, big article about this, removed nowadays, location.
Guild masters were considering which side is good option: fastest que or almost obvious win.
That was an option, despite fact, that a lot of ppl were bugging this instance, gettin' huge AD amount.
Now, this fvcking cryptic can't even fix triple kill in this fkn boring area.
NOTHING to get there. NOTHING.
and tbh
NOTHING intresting in this game anymore
Oh, yes one thing
Look how Dev is playin obviously overpowered class beeing one shotted like a baby
That was fun !
.Suicide Squad.