I have to say, after waiting and testing strongholds PvP, I personally would not have imagined that it would be such a failure in increasing the PvP communitie's population. I have ran a total of 20 SH PVP on my main (because again, I feel it's a waste to do it on any other toons.).
I find that people that are beginning a new have no chance at the PvP gear grab within the game due to it currently being farmed by the bigger PvP guilds (I even belong to one of these.), for alt gear/new class chest transitions.
I thought that this would help in pulling people into PvP and not seeing "THREE or FOUR" guilds over and over with mains and alts farming this against green geared, low item leveled individuals (Those that did not grind NCL.) just to transiton chests between toons.
Not sure how SH PVP will help improve this but I can see SH PvP dying a horrible death, due to this unless they put their heads together to come up with something (not even sure at this point on what they could do to alleviate this.)
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
so i guess we are back too...square one ?
Siege pvp is probably the best place to see guild vs guild, because it will queue up the two biggest guilds against each other. Ofcourse some are not as strong as others, but i've had some very even matches with daybreak vs absolute, or la hermandad vs essence of aggression etc.
I've done it alot, and ive had much more "even" fights than any other pvp map, which is just a pug stomping for "pvp" guilds.
It's just a shame that the glyphs just barred alot of people out of pvp and how some classes (paladins/clerics) dominate defense, overpowered pet actives and healing catapults. Once these are fixed it would be the only real playground for guilds to compete in.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".