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Lost Azure Rank 8 by "item is busy bug" and can´t write a ticket

sthgodchillasthgodchilla Member Posts: 24 Arc User
While i was trying to put my Azure Enchantment Rank 8 in my companions sword knot the enchantment got lost when i pushed the "entchant" button. A red notification was shown: "[12:43] [Error] This item is busy. Please try again in a few seconds." It´s neither in my companion nor in my inventory.

when i try to write a ticket ingame i´m send to the hp and at the arc hp (https://support.arcgames.com/app/ask/p/102) i am not able to use the scrolldown menu to choose a category. without this i am not able to send the ticket.

very confusing...hope anyone can help me. in fact it´s the second time i lost an enchantment this way. last time it was an radiant rank 7. would just be glad to get my rank 8 back.

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