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Shadow of demise [trickster rogue executioner final feat]

rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
edited October 2015 in Bug Reports (PC)
1) Log a trickster rogue with level 60 or above.
2) This trickster needs to be Executioner with Shadow of demise final feat taken.
3) find an enemy
4) press tab, you enter stealth.
5) Use an at will

Observed result:

shadow of demise is not working on at wills.

Expected result:

Shadow of demise should activate.

Compare observed result with in game description:

While in Stealth, your powers now also add the Shadow of Demise effect to the target for 6 seconds. This effect is powered up by further damage you deal. Additionally, you generate Stealth 20% faster and no longer have your regeneration interrupted when taking damage.

Shadow of Demise: When this effect ends, its target takes Piercing Damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt to its target by the Rogue. Piercing Damage cannot be deflected and ignores armor.
This effect cannot stack.



1) Log a trickster rogue with level 60 or above.
2) This trickster needs to be Executioner with Shadow of demise final feat taken.
3) find a COUPLE of enemies
4) press tab, you enter stealth.
5) Use a multitarget encounter like Blitz.

Observed result:

shadow of demise is not working on multiple enemies. It randomly procs on one of them.

Expected result:

Shadow of demise should activate on all of them.



  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    dazing strike add shadow demise to all targets.
    SMoke bomb is another one encounter doesnt proc the shadow demise.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    Powers is all powers, not only encounters.
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    Many powers will not activate shadow of demise and will cause it to be lost. Powers like bait and switch, impossible to catch, smoke bomb, path of the blade, deft strike, shadowy disappearance -- if used from stealth will nullify the capstone and the shadow of demise effect will not be activated. These powers have special actions from being used from stealth and in order to preserve the capstone the TR would have to abandon the special bonuses.

    The powers that I can confirm that actually activate it are shadow strike, lashing blade, impact shot, the first activation of Vengeance's Pursuit (but not the second activation), dazing strike, blitz, wicked reminder and blade fury . Since shadow of demise only affects a single target, if you use dazing strike, blitz, wicked reminder or blade fury you have no idea which target this is and your follow up damage over the next 6 seconds is often going to be put to the wrong target and again wasted (from my testing it seems that the selected recipient of shadow of demise is not random as it will always be the same target (if tested on training dummies for instance) but you would have no way of knowing ahead of time.

    Dailies and At-wills will not activate shadow of demise and if you don't use the few correct encounters indicated above before depleting your stealth you will not gain the shadow of demise effect and it will be wasted.

    So, to sum things up, most powers will not activate Shadow of Demise and cause it to be spent without being used. Of the powers that will activate it most will apply it to a random target if multiple targets are in the area and often the followup damage will be misplaced and lost.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    That being said @rayrdan I know a few tr's who can multi stack SoD by activating stealth at the right time whilst using duelists flurry. I have seen 6/7 stacks of it on a boss before, shortly before the boss disappeared, so it has issues in more way then 1.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    That being said @rayrdan I know a few tr's who can multi stack SoD by activating stealth at the right time whilst using duelists flurry. I have seen 6/7 stacks of it on a boss before, shortly before the boss disappeared, so it has issues in more way then 1.

    would like to see a video proof because like a said at wills dont activate it anymore

  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Regarding this alleged 'multi-stacking', I have played around with a few things and have been unable to come up with anything as of yet. Even when I apply SoD multiple times before the first expires it still only shows one SoD stack so I am unsure how this could be visible on a boss even if it were possible. I will try some other chants and tests later if I get the time. In my case I have applied it 4 times before it expires (I could apply it 6 as well I suppose) but there was only one application of damage.
  • topynokattivotopynokattivo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12 Arc User
    In mod 5 SoD had multiple targets and was activated:
    - when using dailies
    - when using at wills
    - when using encounters (except smoke bomb, which is more like an applied DoT effect)

    There was also a bug, in certain cases a wrong double proc happened.

    When the bug was corrected (beginning of mod 6 I believe), SoD stopped working on at-wills, dailies and multiple targets. Maybe this wrap-up can help understanding where things went wrong.
  • glykenglyken Member Posts: 19 Arc User

    not a bug, sod only works on encounter powers, and is a single target.

    If that's the case, the description is misleading, so still a bug.
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    glyken said:

    not a bug, sod only works on encounter powers, and is a single target.

    If that's the case, the description is misleading, so still a bug.
    And as pointed out earlier it doesn't even work on all encounter powers. The captsone now is nothing like it was. The original problem was that it could mutliproc off of enchantments like plaguefire (lots of powers could multiproc off plague and even now some do from plague as well as others). When they finally managed to fix the multiproc issue it then created these other bugs we have now where it more often does not work than it does.

    I just really wish the development team was capable of fixing the problematic issues with the multiproc and looping of things and then half of these other problems in the game would disappear. Heck the original bug with this capstone would have never happened and the issue we have now that needs addressed would not exist. This is what happens when you use patch up methods to solve issues instead of actually solving the original issue -- you end up with situations like this that still need to be solved and are actually more complex than had they just done it right the first time.
  • demetriss13demetriss13 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Сurrently SHADOW OF DEMISE does not work with deft strike, smoke bomb, path of the blade.
    And in pvp invisibility help to avoid SHADOW OF DEMISE
    sorry for my English.
  • donboss375donboss375 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Shadow of Demise must to deal damage to multiple targets rather than one.
  • azzmarkazzmark Member Posts: 8 Arc User
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    a dev update would be nice, this final feat is broken since mod 5 so almost a year.... HELP
  • azzmarkazzmark Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    rayrdan said:

    a dev update would be nice, this final feat is broken since mod 5 so almost a year.... HELP

    he was broken immediately started working on the server. In stealth, the damage persists. So that didn't work for more than a year already.

    And ru server is a PVP server. And this error is killing executioners with us

    sorry for my English.
  • azzmarkazzmark Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    On ru server can't hear us. We came to you for help.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    bring them all here :D
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Heck if they can't fix it back to how it was intended then make it a 50% damage buff for the 6 seconds.

    On second thought that would probably get nerfed really fast so just fix the capstone.
  • donboss375donboss375 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Developers repair, please, Shadow of Demise, up.
    sorry for my English
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    Its a tooltip error its only supposed to work on encounters :p
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User

    Its a tooltip error its only supposed to work on encounters :p

    Even if that were true, it only works on half of the encounters and on those it works on it misplace the damage more than it doesn't. The other half of the encounters does not activate the capstone and it is wasted.
  • azzmarkazzmark Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Throw your boring European PVE server and go play on Russian server PVP. We will teach you to love PVP =).

    By the way how many have not watched the vidio of the material that you PVP is not popular. The players and the tactics they strange.

    We will meet, all the show =)

    Language problems will solve =) Russian - good, helpful people
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    hedgebet said:

    Its a tooltip error its only supposed to work on encounters :p

    Even if that were true, it only works on half of the encounters and on those it works on it misplace the damage more than it doesn't. The other half of the encounters does not activate the capstone and it is wasted.
    It is true, check on the preview server the tooltip has been updated :p
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    hedgebet said:

    Its a tooltip error its only supposed to work on encounters :p

    Even if that were true, it only works on half of the encounters and on those it works on it misplace the damage more than it doesn't. The other half of the encounters does not activate the capstone and it is wasted.
    It is true, check on the preview server the tooltip has been updated :p
    this absolutely sucks, the damage increase may seems nice on the paper but:
    1) its impossible to keep it up 100%
    2) i have to lose stealth hence combat advantage, hence bonus combat advantage damage, hence critical chance.

    will be back to saboteur as soon as i can.
    rip executioners.
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    It is true, check on the preview server the tooltip has been updated :p

    And yet the tooltip is still wrong. It does not do what it says it does and either the tooltip is still wrong or the capstone is still broken or both. If the capstone worked as it says on test it would be infinitely better than how it works on live now.

    Now I am not sure where you get your knowledge that it is only supposed to work on encounters from. I mean basically you made that up based on not what the tooltip stated and not how the power worked but based upon how the power became broken in their attempts to fix it and even then that conclusion would still be wrong more than 50% of the time. So tell me what did you base the conclusion on?

  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    rayrdan said:

    this absolutely sucks, the damage increase may seems nice on the paper but:
    1) its impossible to keep it up 100%
    2) i have to lose stealth hence combat advantage, hence bonus combat advantage damage, hence critical chance.

    will be back to saboteur as soon as i can.
    rip executioners.

    It does seem like the devs what every tr to play as a sab doesn't it? But then they have the see stealth rings coming out next expansion so perhaps they just don't want players to play the TR in general. I suppose the only viable (certainly the most viable) path will be a ranged stealth TR (which seems to be the most complained about flavor now and it is sort of funny that the devs always seem to push players towards the paths that are the most complained about).
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    well i tried, once the new mod comes live and i will get a glimpse at what my stats will be i m going to respec to saboteur
    gonna make some gwfs cry hard
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    rayrdan said:

    well i tried, once the new mod comes live and i will get a glimpse at what my stats will be i m going to respec to saboteur
    gonna make some gwfs cry hard

    There would certainly be no reason to play an executioner. The saboteur is going to remain far superior in damage to the executioner and the stealth management capability of the exe is going to be entirely neutralized by the see invis rings. I hate to go back to easy mode sab so I will either try the broken scoundrel again or a hybrid non capstone build just to be different.
  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Wait...make some gwf's cry? That happens by default if they log in doesn't it? Heck I thought it was a class ability of theirs for the longest until I rolled one myself.
  • demetriss13demetriss13 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    To devs, open your eyes and stop killing the executioner.
    The problem is still relevant
    SHADOW OF DEMISE does not work with deft strike, smoke bomb, path of the blade.
    And in pvp invisibility help to avoid SHADOW OF DEMISE

    #Patch did not change anything in substance
  • donboss375donboss375 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Developers repair, please, Shadow of Demise, up.
    sorry for my English
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