Hi community & devs.
I know we have some issues rigth now but lets talk about somthing else.
I really like some old mount models and i already have more then 5 zen mount and more then 5 Lokbox mount .
The community ask for lowering the prize of the mount upgrade.
But whats the point? The old mount have no stats and to rework them is to much work i think what devs dont have rigth now.
But what if we can remodel our new mounts with the old ones? Sound good?
Mybe some ppl even buy new mounts from the zenshop to remodel the new ones .(+income for the game)
I alway thinked the zen shoud be used for cosmetic stuff.
Cuz we already spend one or more millons of ad for our mounts, whit this feature mybe we can have nice looking mounts.
The prize soud be for free or at really low cost what do you say??
Do you like the idea?
Also i have a new idea for the next Lokbox mount :flying carpet
GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl