Siege smithy should increase effectiveness of catapults while Siege workshop should increase effectiveness of balistas.
However, they works swapped. SS increases balistas instead of catapults and SW increases catapults instead of balistas.
We have Siege smithy and attack for 50. Some friend guild have Siege workshop and attacks for >50.
This is a major issue. Even Stronghold plots have swapped models:
Shall be either description fixed (swapped) or the whole building structures shall be swapped?
We need answer, because we don't know what to build.
Either SW, because it works as SS, or SS because it can get fixed in future?
We need an unambiguous answer. And fixed either buildings or description, of course.
We built siege smithy to boost the catapults as described, and then found out that it was incorrectly affecting the ballistae instead.
Really hope this is noticed by devs and fixed, must surely be an easy fix.
Master of Flame Renegade guide: Burn with me!
Are the tooltips swapped and the affects are WAI.
Are the affects swapped and the tooltips are WAI.