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Fastest way to lvl a Character

cesukecesuke Member Posts: 311 Arc User
So now to have the sigil of the class u need lvl 70... So what u think is the fastest way to lvl a char ?


  • drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    There is no "fast way" anymore. The shortest amount of time it will take is 9 to 10 days. Half of the will be spent on the journey from 60 to 70.

    When I followed my guildies around while they did HEs, I would get 1/2 my XP bar filled with one. I brought along a new guild member to the HEs that I ran... in the 8 that I ran he gained 6 levels. THAT... may be the fastest way to level from 0 to 60... well at least 1 to 40.​​
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  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Well, i keep those experience tomes (account bound) from the level 70 overflow around, to push new characters towards level 26+ to gain access to Neverdeath Graveyard for the ToD daily campaign quests.

    Starting with invoking, then daily campaign quests, followed by regular quests in areas matching the current level, and of course two daily dungeons/skirmishes for rAD, until level 60.
    From there the questing continues in the Elemental Evil areas, and add the daily seed quests from the druid in PE to the mix, until level 70 is reached.

    I'm not sure if that's even a fast way, but i use it to work my way up through the ToD campaign to gain access to the artifact weapon for level 70...
    Even after the last change to the "wrapper quests", i'm still not a friend of questing my way through Spinward Rise for the artifact mainhand weapon.
    Post edited by regenerde on
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  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    1-60 isn't that difficult, and with R5's dropping pretty frequently at the higher levels, slot some azures in your utility slots for more XP. I also recommend the Inscribed garments, as each piece grants 10% more XP while worn, and level with you automatically. Don't skip zones on your way to 60, and you should get to 61 or 62 by the end of the original 1-60 game.

    Once you get to 61-62, and assuming you pick up a few blues if you haven't gotten some already, you should be able to go to Reclamation Rock after the intro quests for Elemental Evil. The reason I suggest this is that there are many open-world quests you can do there, without having to go into instances.

    Once you hit 64-65, or perhaps 63 if you have a lot of blue items, you can go to Fiery Pit. Again, you can keep taking open-world quests there, and knock out the 4 vigilance quests all at once. After gaining another level or 2, head over to Spinward Rise and start on the main quest in order to eventually earn your artifact main-hand, (it starts with the quest to compete 8 vigilance quests).

    Depending upon your class and gear, you may be able to complete the overarching quest in Spinward by level 67, (unfortunately you can't use the artifact main-hand until level 70, though). From that point, either just take the "Challenge _____" quests and knock them out quickly, or even do the Stronghold dailies, as they give pretty good XP pas well. The campaign quests give lousy XP, so don't bother with them just yet. The Fiery Pit vigilance quests give a little less XP than the Spinward Rise ones, but by this point, should provide a better XP/hr rate, as they'll be easier.

    Again, depending upon your class, you can also simply hunt the giants in Spinward, as they're one of the few enemies that individually grants good XP.
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  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I leveled a DC to 60 in three days during the pre-Stronghold double-XP. Go into the next zone when you are one or two levels below the level of the zone and do the first 4-5 quest before moving to the next zone. You'll get the most XP possible for those quests. If you are leveling an alt, borrow some high-rank azures from your main as soon as you get armor with utility slots.

    60-70 will be a pain. In each EE area, do both instance quests at the same time. Not all quest give the same XP. But if you want the quickest, you will have to do all of them.

    I believe another double-XP is coming up soon.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    1-60 is still easy.. 61+ starts the horrendeous grind and yes, you will finish Spinward well before you hit 70 if you start at the old 67 1/2 level, you would have to start around 69ish to hit 70 now..

    Its boring and again only implemented to try to get a portion of the population to buy leveling shirts/pants and boosters.

    Alot of those decisions have been handed down of late, they are mostly bad ones, players dont buy things to get over boring content, they just skip it and head to another game. Boring is still boring.

  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    it take 220 days from 1 to 60 with leadership alone.
    quite out of topic...just for sharing
  • tronquespertotronquesperto Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    > @silverkelt said:
    > 1-60 is still easy.. 61+ starts the horrendeous grind and yes, you will finish Spinward well before you hit 70 if you start at the old 67 1/2 level, you would have to start around 69ish to hit 70 now..
    > Its boring and again only implemented to try to get a portion of the population to buy leveling shirts/pants and boosters.
    > Alot of those decisions have been handed down of late, they are mostly bad ones, players dont buy things to get over boring content, they just skip it and head to another game. Boring is still boring.

    Exactly this. I've played Neverwinter since the first days of mod 5, only had one "main" and one "alt" character, which provided me a little diamonds to get some minor decent gear . And for my surprise, after finishing that horrendous mod6, I still was level 66. Althought I had spent some money in Neveriwnter, i didn't think twice, uninstalled it and start playing other thing. If Underdark mod is ok, I might came back, but from what I've seen untill now, I don't think this will happen
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  • cesukecesuke Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    I have to lvl 2 chars Cleric and GWF. Btw i have a hard work to do.
  • edited October 2015
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