Does anyone suffer horrible lag in strongholds like i do. I dont get lag anyother place just strong holds pvp.
Also why is it level 70 mixed in with 60s is that another glitch or ment to be this way, if so it's a tad unfair don't you think.
reminds me of GG before they made it 10 vs 10 but x 100 the leg for me anyway.
SH is supposed to be 60-70. I guess there numbers show that they do not have enough lvl 70s queuing at the same time to fill out 40 player matches so they decided to let 60+ in. It is massively unfair for the 60s but I guess people always have the choice not to queue.
Good lord, just how lame can people get??? Wow...
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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