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no reward for defending a base against an OP player in PvP

blureelblureel Member Posts: 163 Arc User
This is a new one for me. I actually Pugged into an "evenly" matched team. Ok. Not really. But I was playing in a match with players from the same PvP guild (OP guild and players) on opposing teams. Our team was better in that the other team had quitters. I spent most of the match fighting against (2 v 2) 2 of their OP players. They wouldn't/couldn't die. They stopped fighting when they realized the rest of their time wasn't trying anymore.

So, this is what's new for me. I had only 300 points earned in the match. My team won. I got zero glory.

I was actively fighting the entire time that their team was fighting. And fighting to capture/defend a base. Not fighting off the base. That should give me some glory.

I hope when you fix PvP that this scenario is addressed, too.


  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    I was in a game yesterday in which I earned 2250 point and received "No Rewards". I still don't get it. It was my fifth or sixth match of the day, as I'm trying to earn an alt his armor. We did lose.

    I got rewards in matches after that. Not sure it's the same scenario, but there seems to be some RNG to the glory-making process.
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