theres many annoying mechanics in game that are just frustrating and reduces fun. some are so bad that they almost make me want to quit.
1) Invoking - the system is a big pile of bs now, you get your inventory full of character bound trash, and you have to repeat that annoying process for every character - make it account wide, increase rewards and make them acc bound - will benefit ppl with few characters and beginners and punish 50char farms, and make it less annoying to deal with for people who have one of each class or so
2) Professions - another major pita - when i log on i want to play with my guild, not waste time on doing professions for each character - its bad menu on top of slow system + its easily exploitable - no AD, just farm the unbound RP, make RP bound, farm alchemy, reinforcements and whatnot, why dont you just make profession slots acc wide and increase rewards, that would make it much better - easier to manage for players, epic assets would be much more useful since you couldnt just make more characters, less time wasted on setting tasks for every character, and more time to play + it would destroy 50char leadership farms. rewards could be normalized to as if having one character of each released class.
3) Number of various RP items - i know you need to sell bags, but this is just HAMSTER. character bound RP has to go, even then the RP stuff will waste way too much space, we already have r4 and r5 enchants dropping from mobs, imho r4 shouldnt drop at lvl 70 content, that alone would save a ton of space for ppl who save them for 2x, but ok thats fine, we had r3 and r4 before mod6, but the number of all the different artifact/artifact equip/enchant RP items when each of those items can be character/account/not bound is way too much. devs should really try to play in real environment not just test where you can spawn whatever items you need to see the awful clutter that is player inventories
4) Skill kits - with opening leadership chests i probably buy a stack of 99 when i make a character and then they just waste my inventory slots. they add nothing to the game and should go
5) Lack of switchable skill/gear tabs - smth you could sell and ppl would buy - add gear and skill tabs so you can switch between them instead of having to change them manually.
6) Lack of reasonable way to store event rewards - imho collection(pet and mount part) should be remade in to a storage so that only items you have count for collection, and you should be able to use items from collection.

Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!