How do you think the removal of AD income from Leadership tasks will affect you?
I think the poll is self explicatory.
Also, this is intended as a poll, not as yet another discussion thread on that topic. So if you care to elaborate as to why you expect your playing and spending, absolutely feel free to do so, but let others' explanations stand as they are, please.
How will the AD changes affect your gameplay and spending behaviour? 295 votes
I'll Spend more time playing and spend more RL money
I'll play about the same time and spend more RL money
I'll spend less time playing and spend more RL money
I'll spend more time playing and spend about the same RL money (s.b.)
I'll play about the same time and spend about the same RL money (s.b.)
I'll spend less time playing and spend about the same RL money (s.b.)
I'll spend more time playing and spend less RL money or none at all
I'll play about the same time and spend less RL money or none at all
I'll spend less time playing and spend less RL money or none at all
I just like to vote / dunno (yet) / will watch and wait / like to keep my opinion secret / don't understand the question / ...
I mostly do PVE campaign zones with a little PVP. They aren't offering more AD for campaign zones at this point, so it is a net loss for me--and I don't have a Leadership army.
The conversion rate for Zen -> AD is too low at 500 that its not worth the money to do so imo.
I pay for ZEN whenever I think the current module offering is good. Payed a decent amount for mod 1-5. Mod 6 was displeasing with XP and HP. Mod 7 is for guilds, all good and fine, not particular interesting to me, albeit I join and help once in a while.
The current deal for almost new customers like myself is this: trade in some extremely decent amount of progess help, AD from leadership, for 2 speed run Skirmish + 2 speed run Dungeon + 2 speed run or camping PvP. If I had been looking for that kind of entertainment I'd have chosen a MOBA.
Hiring a fixer to come in and shore up the game's economy was a good idea. The bad one was hiring Mr. Shicoff. His ideas since coming on have been nothing but bad for the game since day one. We all had such high hopes for him too. It's too bad as management won't see that until they see next month's numbers. By then it will be too late.
nwo is more unpredictable than the life... and... that is not a good thing.
I won't spend anymore now that I've run out of the zen I bought. I didn't do a leadership army, I only got my AD from dungeon/skirmish hours and salvaging gear. I farmed dungeon/skirmishes during the last 2 double AD weekends, and I have over 700k of rAD still, but that is such a slow trickle of conversion, that it took me until this weekend to afford to buy some stuff to attempt to resell. This whole change has spooked people and nobody is buying on the AH now.
I play daily to help my guild, and that's all I'll still be doing, until some other change that sticks it to us really pushes me the rest out of the game.
But to stay on topic, i dont know how much time i will still spend, we will see, i wont spend a dime anymore though. I have spended more than 100 each month, but screw this, not a single dime until things change. And this time if a change comes i will definitely wait several months before spending again. they screwed me with the vip alrdy, and they prolly will screw me again after they do sth "good" again
I will continue playing...
It seems I still spend more during Double refinement than expect...LOL
And then link the official thread about the AD removal from Leadership.
It's like MONTHS ago I last did a dungie or skirmish. I don't like them much. I didn't even participate the last couple of times Call of Arms was up! I don't like PVP either. I mostly do dailies Heroic Encounters, stronghold dailies/quests, and talk a lot with ppl. They say they will look into solo play AD earning, but of course that is going to take them months and then they will stop thinking about it and not do anything for solo players.
However, I'm worried that when the leadership crowd does run out of money, who's going to buy my stuff..?
The market for high end stuff is going to recede, and with it, my income. And in this game, with the unending gear changes, that's going to kill me. Pay to win I'm afraid, is the reality.
It looks like everyone is trying to make AD... anyway, 2-4 weeks from now, we will know more.
I'm highly disillusioned with the game as it is now from what it was at launch. I'm hanging on by a thread and haven't spent a red cent of $$$ since Mod 6 launched. I'm not gonna unrealistically proclaim I'll never send real dollars their way again, I will. I have no problem spending entertainment money for my entertainment. The problem is that right now I'm not feeling as entertained as I did before.
Therefore the onus is on Cryptic to fix things to my own liking (which is generally the way things should be according to the majority hence). I'll wait for Mod 8 to decide whether or not I keep hanging on because right now, like so many others, I'm dangling at the end of the rope and trying to hang on.
As for the AD nerf in professions: fine. As for the alternative means to earn AD: not fine. There needs to be more, a lot more - especially through solo play.
Here's my big gripe with this and all other "nerf" to AD: Create the fix or solution BEFORE whacking the previous method. Conceptually-speaking you don't fire your star employee until AFTER you've already found their replacement and ready to go. That's just plain business suicide. Everything so far feels too much like knee-jerk reaction without any plan. Think about it, Cryptic. And I'm holding my nose and pointing my finger at MANAGEMENT, not the Developers proper.
Edit: typos - most anyway.