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All TR's are doomed.

rowdy190rowdy190 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
Now with the update, all TR's might as well delete their characters. The only thing that was keeping the TR alive was life steal, now that is gone, TR's have no survivability. As if that wasn't bad enough, nobody ever wants to do dungeons or even play with a TR. Sure they could've nerfed life steal a little but by the current amount, I have resorted to using so potions so often that the 15 sec cooldown is so long I'm dead before I can use another. The current percent rate at which life steal works needs to be increased or nobody will bother to play as a TR anymore.


  • zelinktheone3zelinktheone3 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    They didn't 'nerf' Life Steal. In fact, the new version of Life Steal is actually really good. It just doesn't work the way you're used to, so you need to learn to adapt or your screwed in general. Not to mention, healers, paladins, and tanks are a thing for a reason...

    If you actually enjoy playing TR, just to learn how to play it for the current mod. You're probably the type to quit a game because it gets too 'hard'. Like I said, adapt man.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    What are you talking about? LOL I have my main as a TR and I am going through MOD 6 WITH EASE. I have not died once and I have only gone through 10-15 health pots the whole time I have played. OP your just a TR hater and have no idea how the class works.

    From what I have been reading, the TR's are the only ones that ARE SURVIVING, and the ONLY ONES who are able to blaze through almost EVERY ad in each area. So once again, you seem to just be a TR hater and have no idea what you are talking about.

    Also, I have NEVER focused on Life steal AT ALL. Before Mod 6 I was over 18kgs with 10k power 4k+ Crit and 2.5k+ ARP. Virtually NO LIFE STEAL. And I never went down and was always, and I mean ALWAYS, on the top of every dungeon. Whether there was a CW or HR or SW in the lobby or not.

    So once again, you are just making wild and false claims against a class simply because you hate it, and that's not a very educated thing to do.
  • stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    rowdy190 said:

    ...nobody will bother to play as a TR anymore.

    Then there is indeed a righteous God.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Except for those who have already made beast TR's that can still out DPS and out survive any other class lol
  • stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    patsfire said:

    Except for those who have already made beast TR's that can still out DPS and out survive any other class lol

    Your TR specific nerf is coming... How I will revel the day.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Yea, just like it was suppose to come with MOD 6 lol. Get over it. You and all the other TR haters just need to realize that the TR will always be the best DPS class.(that is if the TR knows how to play their class, like I do)
  • stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    patsfire said:

    Yea, just like it was suppose to come with MOD 6 lol. Get over it. You and all the other TR haters just need to realize that the TR will always be the best DPS class.(that is if the TR knows how to play their class, like I do)

    You are indeed comedy for a slow work day. Let's see how you feel, and fair, when you get punked like the SW did.

  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Okay, so please enlighten me....when is this SUPPOSED to happen? I was told it happened sometime a little while ago. Then I was told it would happen when MOD 6 drops. So what are you saying now?

    Seems like you people just don't want to admit how useful the TR actually is, and just hate on it because the class you choose is garbage.
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I had an easy time through the Minsc quests and through the first zone. It definitely got harder as I got closer to 70, but I attributed that mostly to the fact that I now had crappy gear for my level. Not going to lie, I died a few times and ran through my share of potions. I was no longer rolling over everything, but I could still face tank most groups of mobs and then just hit a potion or two after. Cloud Giants, two at a time, were a bit of work, but that was mainly because I had to do more dodging and jumping in and out to attack. The instances where you had a boss that would spawn adds during the fight were completely different when you can't just burn them down and then deal with the rest. You actually have to pay attention to some mechanics now (which is a good thing in the end). Not sure how tough it will be once I get geared up appropriately.

    Praying for a double refinement soon so the main/off hands don't stay green forever!
  • stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    patsfire said:

    Okay, so please enlighten me....

    Challenge accepted:


    [–]McGreg0ry 1 point 18 hours ago
    When are rogues going to be balanced in PvP?

    [–]Cryptic_GoatsharkLead Designer - Cryptic Studios 2 points 18 hours ago
    We're currently evaluating all classes for PvP balance. Rogues are certainly being looked at.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    LOL, you talking about PvP? Who Pvp's? PvP in this game is terrible! I have only don't it like 5 times TOTAL. I have been referring to PvE TR, since that is the FORUM its in....PvE Discussion. I think you are in the wrong thread.
  • jayzilla1227jayzilla1227 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    I highly highly doubt your tr could out dps any class. i was 18k cw and theres no way you could have out dps'd me. i guess we never ran into each other.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    No I have out DPSd all but ONE CW, guy in my guild. All others come close but I have always out dps'd CW/HR/SW all the same. I was over 18k myself, over 19k when I had certain things equipped....and I ALWAYS out dps'd the CW's like you who thought they could do something but didn't.
  • jayzilla1227jayzilla1227 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    in a pk run i would put up 36mil the next guy 6. i dont think a tr can compete. its not you its the way the classes are built. cw is aoe all the time.
    i tell you what give us some time to lvl to 70 and get some gear,.
    then we will compete.
    and maybe you were competing against a mof or something but i was all out dps ss-thaum
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    That's fine, you never ran with a decent TR. I have only ran with ONE decent CW, my guildie. You say you out DPS every TR, but you haven't played against me. I say I out DPS everyone, including CW's, but I have not come across you. So we can agree to disagree.

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I look forward to hearing how the showdown works out ;)
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • ggsurr20ggsurr20 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    patsfire said:

    That's fine, you never ran with a decent TR. I have only ran with ONE decent CW, my guildie. You say you out DPS every TR, but you haven't played against me. I say I out DPS everyone, including CW's, but I have not come across you. So we can agree to disagree.

    I liked the posts you made most of the time but you seem overconfident and obnoxious in this one, if you're against a really good HR/CW I doubt you'll out dps them in anything other than elol. If you believe otherwise, I think my "definition of "good" is very different from yours.
    -GGsurr20 - 17k Great Weapon Fighter-

    -GGsurr15 - 10k Guardian Fighter-
    • mikeyfliesmikeyflies Member Posts: 90 Arc User
      I thought GWF's were the new top dps? Perhaps it will take a while for them to adapt and adjust to their new power ;P
    • batdriven#5792 batdriven Member Posts: 31 Arc User
      Hm, I understand you in some way - I still do mad DPS, but I'm more squishy than ever. Running through well of dragons as a TR alone is almost impossible atm. You need to team up in order to survive.
      I like playing alone and not be in groups too often, but I guess that is not what ARC wants :/ they want ppl to play together and in big groups etc *sigh*
      My playstyle changed a bit since the update. Everything takes double the time due to me constantly rolling around, trying to avoid damage. It's kinda sad, since I like doing the new campaigns, but since everything takes so long now, I can't do all the dailies every day ;_;
      I used to run dungeons and skirmishes like crazy - since the update I did 3 skirmishes and that's it. Too busy with dailies and staying alive. VIP helps a lot, since I cant get injuries now *sigh*

      But yeah, to make a long story short - Having only a 7% chance of lifesteal being activated, it makes it practically useless for me. I tried to cut out lifesteal completely in my gear and invest everything into defense instead.
    • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

      I thought GWF's were the new top dps? Perhaps it will take a while for them to adapt and adjust to their new power ;P

      Not sure GWF's will ever be top DPS but trust me we are pretty much fine, my guy is blasting through stuff, Vigilance 3 in thunderhead was a challenge but he was comfortably able to take Giants down with ads two at a time :)
    • yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
      rowdy190 said:

      Now with the update, all TR's might as well delete their characters. The only thing that was keeping the TR alive was life steal, now that is gone, TR's have no survivability. As if that wasn't bad enough, nobody ever wants to do dungeons or even play with a TR. Sure they could've nerfed life steal a little but by the current amount, I have resorted to using so potions so often that the 15 sec cooldown is so long I'm dead before I can use another. The current percent rate at which life steal works needs to be increased or nobody will bother to play as a TR anymore.

      Speak for yourself, I have no problem surviving. Stealth attack, stealth runs out and I smoke bomb for daze, SB runs out and I'm stealth again, stealth again with impossible to catch and I'm immune from damage. Learn your mechanics better or change your setup.

      Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
      Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
      <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
      I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
    • yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      Also, we're the ones going stealth and dropping daze to revive everyone when they're dying.
      Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
      Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
      <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
      I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
    • yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
      patsfire said:

      I have NEVER focused on Life steal AT ALL. Virtually NO LIFE STEAL and I mean ALWAYS, on the top of every dungeon. Whether there was a CW or HR or SW in the lobby or not.

      Same here.

      Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
      Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
      <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
      I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
    • hitnrunxxhitnrunxx Member Posts: 5 Arc User
      what rotations are you all running now since mod 6. The only class i have trouble keeping up with now is GWF. The GWF are killing i mean killing everyone in everyone dungeon now. Just want to see what other rotations people are doing. Thanks

    • fernymacccfernymaccc Member Posts: 6 Arc User
      Potions dont work 80% of the time during combat!

      hey guys, I posted this in the feed back section and goes along with this thread.
      Doesn't even deal with lifesteal but other vital component to the actual TR class.
    • jgilla#6898 jgilla Member Posts: 1 Arc User
      > @fernymaccc said:
      > Potions dont work 80% of the time during combat!

      Potions are not working because your trying to use it to fast after your dodge
    • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

      > @fernymaccc said:

      > Potions dont work 80% of the time during combat!

      Potions are not working because your trying to use it to fast after your dodge

      Err no, I don't dodge as a GWF and they are broken for me as well (have been for ages) they will go into instant cool down without giving health in combat, its not new with this Mod as it happened in Mod 5 as well but its much worse that's for sure
      Also affects Greater stone of health!
    • yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
      mahburg said:

      > @fernymaccc said:

      > Potions dont work 80% of the time during combat!

      Potions are not working because your trying to use it to fast after your dodge

      Err no, I don't dodge as a GWF and they are broken for me as well (have been for ages) they will go into instant cool down without giving health in combat, its not new with this Mod as it happened in Mod 5 as well but its much worse that's for sure
      Also affects Greater stone of health!
      It has happened alot to me this mod and at the worst of times, I just make a mental note to try and hold off a few seconds after dodge rolling for the potions to work properly, though muscle memory and button rotation makes it very hard to hold back when I'm so use to popping it so quick after movement. I never noticed it happening in mod 5. Not even for my GWF I used before becoming a TR.

      Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
      Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
      <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
      I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
    • yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
      edited October 2015

      Post edited by yourenext2die on
      Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
      Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
      <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
      I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
    • delta522delta522 Member Posts: 25 Arc User

      They didn't 'nerf' Life Steal. In fact, the new version of Life Steal is actually really good. It just doesn't work the way you're used to, so you need to learn to adapt or your screwed in general. Not to mention, healers, paladins, and tanks are a thing for a reason...

      If you actually enjoy playing TR, just to learn how to play it for the current mod. You're probably the type to quit a game because it gets too 'hard'. Like I said, adapt man.

      Not really because lifesteal always worked regardless it's my characters life line. And I thought it was broken cause it never works anymore, so it's not better. And yes I die alot because of it. This all needs to be changed back for PVE (I could care less about pvp). There is no adjusting for how bad they have messed this class up. You can try to stealth but shadow of demise doesnt work therefore any projectile that hits you depletes your stealth meter. You can make a desperate attempt at a lashing blade for lifesteal but like I said life steal never works anymore and your so weak now your just a waste of space. Then people kick rogues out of dungeons because they dont do enough dps. Well after the update they really wont now. I solo alot so someone else healing me really isn't an option. IF IT AINT BROKE DON'T FIX IT - (Common sense) because right now its combat ineffective. Right now my cleric gets higher criticals than my rogue and it has a perfect vorpal. So since everybody complained about stupid pvp they ruin it for pve as well. So now people say it doesn't have enough dps for pve. Well yeah no ****! they had a good thing and now it's a cluster ****. This is unacceptable and as much money as I have in my TR. I have the right alot to say about it.
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