this game has just got tiresome to play with every other attack being a knock back stun freeze or some other sort of control.
example just did iwd daily kill biggrin am a pally so low dps fight takes a while solo I was curious so I counted was knocked down 62 times and stunned/frozen 23 times.
yes can avoid them with sanctuary but not when the boss does it and the adds and they circle you sanctuary does nothing if there behind you.
its just getting tiresome nobody has fun being stun locked that's reason swtor redesigned there whole stun system for pvp etc being stun locked ruins the fun
if I wanted to play pinball from the balls perspective I wouldn't be playing this game.
Namin Soulburner
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one. 0
and its not just the instance quests its all encounters about every other attack is some sort of control heck yeti only 2 out of 3 attacks are control type attack wolfs constant tossing you around its not just the instantces its all npc.
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
Biggrins moves are very clearly visually indicated. Big red circle? He does his stomp. Overhead axe? Step sideways. Red cone? Life-leech and pull. It's not rocket science. The only annoying part of the fight are the Skeletal Wolves who will grab you. You might not see them charging it up, as it's quite short, and you are focusing on Biggrin.
May I suggest this in the future, when fighting CC heavy mobs while soloing: Use Relentless Avenger to build your AP and keep Heroism going as much as possible. You'll have complete CC immunity.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
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However, his giant red circle fire balls - generally at 2-3 locations - are not resistable by Sanctuary and will knock you on your behind. I'm guessing that's a bug. You'll still be alive, though. No problem there.