Hi fellow players!
I thought this might be a solution to the already broken balance of PVP and the loss of many players participating in PVP.
We all know, that the strong boons of Stronghold, which 1) won't be available to all at the same time 2) won't be available to most small or medium sized guilds for long time or ever, will widen the gap even further and discourage many- mostly- causal players to take part in a PVP match or they will, but only for the daily AD or the necessary guild, but they won't be there full-heartedly.
Forcing us into big guilds doesn't work at all, many of us like the atmosphere of smaller or medium sized guilds, which are made out of real life friends, parents, kids and like minded human beings. This part of the community will never join a soulless (just look at Zone Chat for requirements, oh boy...) mega guild just to get the boons faster or ever.
My idea is similar to the VIP benefits, that others on team get too. What if all who participate in a DOM or GG PVP match would get these boons and on both sides of the fence, only exception, that those, who are in guilds, which don't have the boons yet would get only 75% (value can be a matter of debate) of the actual boon itself. This way the guild not having the boons would be encouraged to get them, but the same time we could make a step closer to fair play and equal terms, the gap would be less between a big mega guild PVPer and a player from a smaller, not so wealthy guild.
Of course best would have been, if 1) the boons weren't separated into PVP or PVE and 2) if PVP wouldn't get any boons at all, cause the power gap is already huge with all the rank12s and transcendent stuff.
Thank you!
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
That way smaller guilds would have a way to get the boons and bigger guilds cant cheat by building a 'small' guild rotating members and switching to 'big' when the goal is met.
Ofc they could find some ppl to donate in their 'small' guild, hoping to get a membership, if all is set and done, but if ppl are THAT desperate, you cant help them.
It spins my head.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
2. You have pvp where gear matters
The best (imho) and only true pvp games has an equalizer when you enter pvp taking everybody up to a certain lvl, or built ingame that gear have a minor impact.
Either you have game where pvp is decided by tactic and skill or gear(p2w, cheatmodes, old players with everything).
There is no middle ground if you allow gear/buffs to create a wide gap between have and have not no true pvp exist only those that have a gun to fight with and those that have at best a stick.
This game has already gone to far down the road of gear/buffs vs no gear/buffs for it to have something of a true pvp enviroment.
City buffs will not only blow those that does not have them out of the water in pvp it will do so in pve as well.
If they make the a challange for those with city buffs it will be impossible for those without to complete even simply dailys. If they dont those with buffs will just walk over anything making it boring.
That makes for one sulotion only that either you in a guild with city buffs or you will be unable to keep up with the game.
If the devs think the population will thrive and increase with killing of any casual small guild playerbase they are on the right track, myself i think it will lead to a drastic drop of the population like every other game that tried going down this road.
So yes it will break pvp as it is today making it pointless to even try without guild buffs, for crying out load 8000 in stats 32000 hp increased healing/resitance will make such a huge differance they will be immortals compared to those without....
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
And PVP should have its own boons only viable for just PVP and not working in PVE.
This would not force us pvp players into merging with other guilds and do imho BOOOORING PvE stuff.
But that is not how this game works sadly, so it will only lose more and more pvp players. In the future Cryptic will have to fill the pvp with Bots to even get a match started.