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Stronghold Crowdsource Guildhall Coffer Capacity Info - Your help is appreciated

golkaxgolkax Member Posts: 26 Arc User
Hi, I am trying to compile a quick list of the coffer capacities for the stronghold guildhall. Since there doesn't seem to be a way of looking this info up for any given level of the Stronghold, I would like to request of the community to post the coffer capacities of their guildhall if it has not already been posted here. Ultimately I'm trying to find dependencies on the coffers as well in the building progression.

I will start off with a couple I know and also you couple I do know and such and you can also copy paste this and fill in your own data.

Level 1
Heroic Shard of Power: 2500
Adventurer's Shard of Power: 1600
Dungeoneer's Shard of Power: 1600
Conqueror's Shard of Power: 3600
Wood: 3300
Stone: 8500
Metal: 8500
Food: 8500
Building Materials: 50
Labor: 16000
Gold: 150
Glory: 180000
Gems: 33000
Surplus Equipment: 75000
AD: 700
Treasures of Tyranny: 290000
Frozen Treasures: 31000
Fey Trinkets: 59000
Dark Gifts: 37000
Influence: 65000

Level 5
Heroic Shard of Power: 6000
Adventurer's Shard of Power: 6000
Dungeoneer's Shard of Power: 3000
Conqueror's Shard of Power: 6000
Wood: 20000
Stone: 20000
Metal: 23000
Food: 20000
Building Materials: N/A?
Labor: 42000
Gold: 600
Glory: 338000
Gems: 118000
Surplus Equipment: 204000
AD: 3100
Treasures of Tyranny: 565000
Frozen Treasures: 126000
Fey Trinkets: 114000
Dark Gifts: 137000
Influence: 174000

Your help with this is much appreciated! :)


  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    You can test it on the preview server. Nobody notices the coffer capacity on the live server.
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