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The Enclave Order, a mature gaming community, is recruiting.

The Enclave Order
Apply Here

Goals: This community is a joint force of friends that play together to accomplish goals in game and make your adventures more notable and satisfying. We are together to make new friends and enjoy the company of old ones. We gather together to achieve new heights; the game itself has many adventures that can be experienced and working together as a team we can enjoy them all. This is a need before greed community: if you can't use it, feel free to share it with others for a joint effort for crafting and raiding. A strong "pay it forward" idea is implied when you are the beneficiary of a gift from another player. Don't insist on returning the favor to a community mate in the form of money or favors. Instead it is recommended that you shall try to assist another community member when you have the opportunity to do so. We are a team, and if we work together, we can improve that team. Do not be afraid to set an example for other players in game by having a higher sense of pride in your community and yourself. The Enclave will strive to accomplish, obtain, and understand every dungeon, instance, and quest from beginning to end sharing our knowledge with other members. You are never required to know what is to be done but try to remember how it was, so that you may at some point help a fellow member.

Social: This by all means is a social club with a common interest. Although there will be many kinds of players in the community try to make yourself familiar with them. Try not to limit yourself to one set of friends in the community. Favoritism is frowned upon although we all have our closer friends in the game that we group with on a casual level. There is no need to exclude someone because you do not know them. Theatrics are again frowned upon but a social group does not exist without them. If a problem arises, do your best to end it. If this does not work take it to an officer who will then mediate the situation in a group session to try and get things resolved. People will find that a day to cool off or sometimes just an open ear might just be the only thing that is needed to solve the problem. Take things with a grain of salt remember that text is often misunderstood and so is someone expressing an opinion over a microphone. Try and keep it decent, show respect for others in chat. Everyone has bad days, but don't take the game too seriously. Try not to use racial jokes or comments. Personal relationships can end up growing over time, and even become romantic. We ask that you keep intimate chat in tells or personal groups, do not let it affect your community conduct.

Raiding: There will be scheduled events for raids throughout the week. If you need one done for your character, please try and let an officer know when is best for you. Try to allow time for others to get the raid done too as it may take several runs to accommodate everyone. Unscheduled raids and runs are encouraged but check the calendar so it doesn't land on the same time as a scheduled event. Loot on runs will be sorted in the way the group/community sees fit. Always keep in mind that whomever scheduled the run did so in advance, so be considerate to their needs. Raid success is always an issue. If a scheduled raid does not go down as planned or fails, keep a positive attitude, and morale will stay high. There is no reason to not give it another go, unless people are just not having fun. A bad attitude will bring everyone down, which leads to further worse situations. Currently looking forward to raiding 2-3 nights a week.

PVP: Player vs. Player is a fun part of the game, although it is not for everyone. There might be days that PvP community events will occur but this is not the focus of the community (having fun is), and you are not required to participate. You may PvP at any time so do not feel limited to the community PvP days. PvP is a useful tool in learning new ways to play your class, so PvP is certainly a useful activity to participate in. The Enclave Order will NOT use PvP to grief players and look poorly on people who do, poor sportsmanship like killing low level players with high level characters is not the way we want to represent ourselves.

In Game Conduct: There are some things in game that I believe this community should rise above. The purchase of internet gold or items for real money is frowned upon unless it is officially supported by the game company. For your safety and the safety of this community, we hope that you resort to other means. Money in game is too easy to acquire and many people in the community might be willing to loan you money if the need is urgent. We avoid using cheats/exploits, we don't wish anyone to be banned because of a violation of the EULA rules. Pick up groups (PuGs) are encouraged to meet new people and find new strategies for game play. Try and be respectful to other players, but by all means if you feel uncomfortable with a group and what they are doing or how they are treating you, leave and let an officer know what happened so they can back you up if an issue comes up later. Harassment and spamming will not be tolerated. If someone does it to you, report them and let an officer know. An ignore will go a long way to nipping it in the bud.

Officers: Our leadership is by no means honorary. They are using their game time to conduct work for you to have more fun. Our officers are required to perform duties assigned to them and must be prepared to make and act upon decisions for the benefit of the community. Our officers are expected to have demonstrated sound judgement as well as key attitudes, skills, and capabilities which aid the community as a whole. If you receive an officer nomination, you will be expected to perform duties that are necessary to keep the community in top order. Due to this it is expected that give officers that extra bit of courtesy and respect for what they are doing for the community. Try an in game mail to their character if they cannot help you right away, so that they have time to read it and give their full attention to what you need. If an officer is experiencing difficulties, they should approach the co-leader or leader for aid. If a member has a problem with an officer it should be brought to the leaders of the community. If a member doesn't feel comfortable discussing with officers, mail to co-leader or leader explaining what the problem is.

And one last note: NOTHING IS SET IN STONE! The community charter will be updated as we go along, per community feedback and leadership preferences.
The Enclave Order, a mature gaming community.
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