I'd like to discuss the CTA rewards and level spread, through the medium of bullet points.
1:It's good that allows people to participate no matter their level or time spent
2 It's good low level characters can earn decent rewards
3 It's bad during skirmish hour I could log on a level 10 alt and let the group win the cta without moving a finger.
4 It's bad the rewards have not not been improved.
Enemy level is now fixed, players scale to their level. It used to be that enemies scaled to the player's level.
Because of that you have massive gaps in player contribution. Someone who has legendary level 70 weapons will vaporize these enemies, while some level 15 with a level 12 green weapon will scale to level 60 and only scratch them. Don't blame the players, it's not their fault. CTAs used to run much more smoothly.