Hey guys! I can never seem to find a 1) A group that doesn't Boot and Loot, and 2) A non-broken dungeon. I am only 10k but I am I TR DPS build. I want to know if anyone wants to party up for let's say for a few hours a day through out the week, that will (As the title says) Pirate King farm with me. HMU on XBox -> MvN Defiant. I prefer to have at least 1 cleric. 2 is pushing it. If I don't let you join, don't worry. It's not because your Gear Score is trash, most likely will be because of too many of this class or too many this other class. If someone can't be on for the farming for whatever reason I will send a message back, saying:" Hey, our 5th member can't be on right now. Want to join in for a few?" See you soon!
P.S: I will be streaming tomorrow, www.twitch.tv/Mental3860 I will also tweet out when I go live! www.twitter.com/Mental3860