Hey everyone, just looking for some insight from the community. What's paragon and spec is working for you in pve content? I love the guardian fighter and don't want to play an OP or GWF.
After recent (mod 6) changes to the class you will do respectful damage if you go along the Conq path.
Do note that you won't be able to tank the dungeons. And of course since you're not a DPS class you will be outclassed by other pure damage dealers like GWF, CW,TR etc.
If you want to be a tank (as you probably should be) you can choose Protector paragon path. It will enable a turtle mode, and and a certain gear/skill level you will be really hard to kill.
And least but not last, if you want to be a tank, and help your team even further, you should take the Tactican paragon.
It gives some nice boosts for your party and you will still be able to tank stuff. Additionally Tactican have some sweet feats that will enable certain encounters to interrupt mobs attack - I find it really helpful in some of the occasions.
It's kinda settled that Iron Vanguard is more of the DPS route, and Swordmaster is more suited for tanking. So pick your path here depending on what role you want to play.
Bear in mind that GF needs a hefty investment in gear in order to perform on a level that OP can reach without it.
It means you will have to develop the toon to reach a point where you're happy with how it goes. But that's not rocket science, we all have to do it
Hope I helped a bit.
Cya in game!
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
tactician is a waste in current content, the protector capstone is far better. Tactician capstone will rarely be used. and the feats before it are not very beneficial. Stand united is also bugged and does not worked. I would suggest going protector -> tactician or conqueror (i went 15 in tact)
swordmaster is very handy because of steel defense 6seconds immunity which lets you use your encounters freely on dailies.
Also having perfect negation helps alot since our DR is so low nowadays, as for weapon enchantment i believe pure plaguefire is best (since you cannot reliably use feytouch, and terror is only half as effective than plague in pve and also hard to keep 100%)
I personally went Conq after Cryptic decided to increase mob Hp by 50% (the dumbest move ever). Conq because I wanted to do my dailies in a reasonable amount of time not bash the poor mobs for 4 mins till they die.
Now since they've revert the change I staid as a Conq but regeared to pump my def, regen and deflect. Hope this would make me more of a tank and still keep those sweet dps feats from Conq.
Effect you ask? BOOM one shotted in Elol on the 1st boss
I even swapped my Soluforged for Pure Negation in hope it will help - nope!
Now again thinking about Protector to finally not die in few hits in ECC it's getting irritating....
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Bear in mind that GF needs a hefty investment in gear in order to perform on a level that OP can reach without it.
I doubt it is possible in this moment. Even if Traven can't kill my 3k GF, it has great chance to wipe the rest of party because KV and damage debuffs fail in comparison to DP. I could KC on Traven xD, but he itself is not major threat.
I went full conq with life steal and some tankiness. I do alot of pugs. I don't do KV ever, I do all agro duties but if the DPS runs ahead, they're on their own. Usually dies then complains. I run content with my girlfriend that is a buff/heal DC and helps me stay alive because this build is more squishy then a protector, but I can get 2nd place in pain giver in T2s and can get 1st in T1s and still agro the whole time.
My build is Passives: combat superiority/steel defense. Encounters: lunging strike, into the frey, enforced threat. Dailies: Steel Supremacy/Fighter's recovery I switch out to Villain's menace and Crescendo at boss fights.
Pet: Stone of might with crit and life steal
I took alot of DoT feats/boons/pets.
Gear is all elemental elven assault. Piercing rings. Lostmauth set.
Lifedrinker and soulforged.
I open battles with Tiamat's Orb of Majesty to stun for 4 seconds and lower dmg by 10%. I switch to lantern at boss fights.
After recent (mod 6) changes to the class you will do respectful damage if you go along the Conq path.
Do note that you won't be able to tank the dungeons. And of course since you're not a DPS class you will be outclassed by other pure damage dealers like GWF, CW,TR etc.
If you want to be a tank (as you probably should be) you can choose Protector paragon path. It will enable a turtle mode, and and a certain gear/skill level you will be really hard to kill.
And least but not last, if you want to be a tank, and help your team even further, you should take the Tactican paragon.
It gives some nice boosts for your party and you will still be able to tank stuff. Additionally Tactican have some sweet feats that will enable certain encounters to interrupt mobs attack - I find it really helpful in some of the occasions.
It's kinda settled that Iron Vanguard is more of the DPS route, and Swordmaster is more suited for tanking. So pick your path here depending on what role you want to play.
Bear in mind that GF needs a hefty investment in gear in order to perform on a level that OP can reach without it.
It means you will have to develop the toon to reach a point where you're happy with how it goes. But that's not rocket science, we all have to do it
Hope I helped a bit.
Cya in game!
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
swordmaster is very handy because of steel defense 6seconds immunity which lets you use your encounters freely on dailies.
Also having perfect negation helps alot since our DR is so low nowadays, as for weapon enchantment i believe pure plaguefire is best (since you cannot reliably use feytouch, and terror is only half as effective than plague in pve and also hard to keep 100%)
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Now since they've revert the change I staid as a Conq but regeared to pump my def, regen and deflect. Hope this would make me more of a tank and still keep those sweet dps feats from Conq.
Effect you ask? BOOM one shotted in Elol on the 1st boss
I even swapped my Soluforged for Pure Negation in hope it will help - nope!
Now again thinking about Protector to finally not die in few hits in ECC it's getting irritating....
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
— (The unwritten rule)
I do alot of pugs. I don't do KV ever, I do all agro duties but if the DPS runs ahead, they're on their own. Usually dies then complains.
I run content with my girlfriend that is a buff/heal DC and helps me stay alive because this build is more squishy then a protector, but I can get 2nd place in pain giver in T2s and can get 1st in T1s and still agro the whole time.
My build is
combat superiority/steel defense.
lunging strike, into the frey, enforced threat.
Steel Supremacy/Fighter's recovery
I switch out to Villain's menace and Crescendo at boss fights.
Stone of might with crit and life steal
I took alot of DoT feats/boons/pets.
Gear is all elemental elven assault.
Piercing rings.
Lostmauth set.
Lifedrinker and soulforged.
I open battles with Tiamat's Orb of Majesty to stun for 4 seconds and lower dmg by 10%.
I switch to lantern at boss fights.