I already know this will never happen in this game but is something that hit me while riding my horse in game.
just about all games these days have mounts and they sell premium mounts in there stores even the subscription games like wow do.
which makes me wonder why limit it to just the mount most mount models have armor etc why just make it a one model that has the one appearance and that is the way it is and never can be changed. I would love to see a game someday were mount customization is possible.
for example stormriders Clydesdale my mount of choice has fancy war armor. what if instead of them making it one model they made the horse a base model and the armor was equipped as appearance items. would require creating a mount appearance interface and redoing the models but this would add up to whole new source of revenue for games they could sell the mounts then sell different appearances items for them like saddles armor for them as well as dyes etc.
if want to see something similar loot at lord of the rings online and there war horses they have different equip able appearance items to bad the war horse system is so poorly implemented the whole appearance system would be great for normal mounts though.
creating something like this would most likely be time consuming and not something this game would have time or money for but it would be a great concept I think maybe someday this will be possible.
Namin Soulburner
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
are you aware I already said they couldn't do it not once but twice in my post I know they lack the skill money or man power lol like said I liked the idea and think would be cool for another game someday in future
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
I don't understand why they don't bring on the table some bad HAMSTER mounts from the bestiary.
They could sell a lot of more keys with Chimera, Wyvern, Pegasus, Flying carpet, Griffin, Manticore,Hydra, magical wings, hyppogriff etc etc . . . There are a ton of bad HAMSTER mounts in DND.
Young Mettalic Dragons ffs ! ^^