So everyone has their own way to play DC. I have spent hundreds of thousands of diamonds on gear and specs. Just wanted to see hat everyone has tried and how it worked and how you felt about it.
Recently I tried a capped deflect and defense spec and it was pretty amazing my defense was actually at about 55% 24.9% deflect. I enjoyed it but I was sitting at like 29-31k hitpoints. When deflect didn't go off I felt it.
Sitting at 55% defense and 20.7% deflect now with 36k hitpoints. (Defense total is after adding in foresight at 11%.
Faithful specced had started out as virtuous and it was great when I was low gs, now I'm at 18.1k and faithful is just the boss spec for me. 10-30k a tic healing word team health rarely drops below full health.
I usually run words bastion and glow.
Just wondered how others run their dc. I was pretty vague on what I do but I'm hoping for an explanation of how dps specced clerics heal groups in a speed run of like temple? Am always being told it's easy and never an issue. But I tried and it was near impossible to keep my team up on the run from point a to b.
Maybe I'm not doing something right j don't know. 9.5-10.5minute spider runs. Would like to make it quicker. If anyone has any tips. Other than that, love to hear others specs and how you run your rig! And what works best!