I can't donate anymore, they fixed this so it would allow us to donate after we hit the limit but not get guild Marks which is OK with me, but now I cant donate again because of the limit whats the deal please fix this.
I have a small guild we are all grinding very hard to make this work but you are killing us. We play anywhere from 10 to 15 yes 15 hours a day.
Getting more recruits is hard if not impossible because of the bigger guilds already have to big a vantage over us.
when we try and recruit, people say can I come look at your guild hall and bank they join our guild see we have all our bank slots unlocked, "which it would be nice to be able to pay to unlock more slots hint make more unlock-able guild bank slots"
Then they look and say your not making very much progress on your guild hall, and that others have more unlocked than us so they leave.
Talking with other small guilds that we run with they to are getting the same message people are looking for the bigger guilds that already have things unlocked.
Because of this you will never see a new player make another guild why would they when they can just join a mega guild who has everything, don't destroy the smaller guilds we do have value we do play and we do contribute to the game.
Right now we have the wood and the food unlocked and are working on the market but because of your limits in place we are never going to make it along with so many other smaller guilds that take pride in their guild and what they have accomplished we have spent to much time and money on our guild to just give it up and walk away but this is killing us.
We all have spent large amounts of money on our guild and we are happy with it so please fix this.
It is so bad, so very very bad!!!
They need to first off remove the daily limit of resources that can be gathered, such as influence. I don't know what else they could do, but this game needs to be geared for the smaller sized guilds.