I just came back to game my gwf is currently 60 tried to do some pvp but am basically one shot killed heck a stealthed rogue tossed some daggers at me and I was dead before he even appeared. the whole match was no fun only time I even got a hit in was when my teammates had there attention.
I tried buying some gear from the ah but wasn't very much forsale bought what thre was. so whats the best approach to get gear I was told its best to just quest till 65 and get the new gear so prob will do that but when I get 65 how do you get gear without being slaughtered for 100 matches?
Namin Soulburner
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
http://youtu.be/0KbqTWeJqxc 0
So we can use Robert Schumann's CC?
I find some who I just can't damage
Others who don't last
It is just the game
Really team work wins