I'm a casual player that is currently in a completly inactive guild (during last month only 4 people has loged on the game, including me) and I dont want to just to try to join a different guild being a player that just play ocationally to get distaction from my work. I was reading all the news about the new mod and I couldnt find a single thing to do for a player like me, I have the T2 PVP set and the T1,5 PVE + 4 epic artifact + LVL57 artifact weapon (what u get after feeding a lvl60 legendary artifact weapon during 2xRP event on the lvl70 one) and I also have the Losthmauth(when i want to DPS) and the Lathander(when I need extra protection) sets. I also have enough ZEN to buy the 1 year VIP pseudo-suscription that is comming in 2 more days, but before wasting all the zen I want to know if there is anything i will be able to do during M7 or its better for me to just uninstall and wait till M8. I have no intention to join a guild just to build a house that is going to be useless in 4 months and being forced to play with people that I dont know and "live" with them as a "family" that is not mine.
So, there is any content on M7 for people that want to play alone or I just have to unisntall till M8? When i was reading the news for the new mod the most appealing thing for me it was the 1 key each day that come on the suscription, but i guess its better to keep the ZEN till I have something else to do on the game beside click on Lockbox each day, say open and then log off.
For anything else well we're waiting on the return of dungeons and Mod 8.
The people left out in the cold are the unguilded and those who refuse to PVP at any cost. And for them I'm sorry. But as a dabbler it works for me, whether my guild has enough people to make progress only time will tell.