Curious how viable GF tanks are in end game content. I currently pull door to door in any dungeon without healer and keep teamates alive. So no scrub here.
So geuss my question is are "good GFs" viable in end game.
I read alot of comments about things like DR bugs with enemies negating any defence you may have. And pulls will definitely be smaller because of insane heavy hitters compared to mod 5.
Any insight is welcome, i main a tank gf, and wish to keep doing so. But not if its a dead end class
Also for pve tanking, what 4 artifacts should I be looking for? Currently using the blood skull from pvp, waters, and the white dragon heart.
Something I'm curious about, and can't find any confirmation on, is the pseudo dragon companion. Do you know if you can trigger it's active ability with reflect damage, like from guarded assault or the blacksmith?
I dont have it but i believe it states "powers" trigger it. All other tooltips that say that proc on at wills and encounters
also prepare for pain because you'll be holding block almost always.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".