In PVP I have noticed a disturbing trend, opposing players (mostly GWFs, though TRs and CWs too) will use some skill over my corpse while I am waiting to rez which will instantly rez me with 1% health and then kill me, some people will do this multiple times in a row.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a bug or is it players doing something fishy?
I have immediately been killed after I res'd. It is part of someone standing over you after they kill you... and being there to kill you after your soulforged procs. People can see that you are using SF and will stand there. I have gotten 2 double kills and one triple kill while I was fighting 2 CWs in a Dom match. That was due to SF proc'ing and and the reviving each other after that.
You res and they kill you before you can fully hel after SF hits.
This has happened to people that I have killed... it is usually a lag issue.
The OP is asking about a power that can res an opposing player and kill them upon res'ing.
PS: like i said before, only player from the same team can use it on you once every minute (pally with arti cooldown reset before it was fixed could od it more often, same as cw). Only thing that can rez you with like 1 hp was SW bug with a puppet but i though it was fixed.
Well, he said "trend" but I havent heard about anybody else complaining about that - and Im pretty dang sure that if there was way (legit or exploit) that allows enemy players to rez you and kill you again - there would be more people complaining. He MAY misread something that happened on the battlefield.
What else comes to my mind - Devotion OP Aura - Aura of life - automatically revives allies (not sure if OP itself as well) that are in near death state. This, however, causes rez sickness, so you shouldnt be able to be rezzed a few times in a row without visiting campfire.
Obviously, there may be a new exploit as well, but if it already became a "trend" we will most likely hear about that from other sources too.
Yet another thing that can rez - Tears of Bahamut
2. If you are a SW you can revive yourself
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
Zeusom what armor enchant are you using?
Leliana C.W. - Opressor CW
Lelian O.P. - Bulwark Paladin
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack