Double gear, spec and strongholds you can get for free and mirrors the iLvL of the gear you have for one of the 2 game modes.
Here's the idea, if the devs can, in the future, implement it:
I've been thinking about a way to avoid forcing guilds and players to either be 100% effective in PvP or in PvE. I think the above might work well, allowing players who PvE only to get build up for PvP, making it more viable for the ones who would not just PvE, but PvP too, but can't spec for it and create another gear set or switch all the enchants everytime.
This is something that we are doing instead of waiting until things change.
HR aravein@jhpnw
might even talk to strum se if there's a way you could have a pvp training setup like a guild and still be in your regular guild
Send me a friend invite... @drkbodhi
I will have a few rules relating to the groups that stem from our channel: No drama, No stomping; No leaving and No exploiting... there will be 3 strikes for everyone.
I will be looking for class mentors, channel mods and more. I will not be able to do this by myself... and I know that.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Yes... perma needs to be fine-tuned.
Each and every class has some aspect that makes so many people whine about nerfs. There are a great many ways to combat every class's OP builds. All it takes is time and experience. Know this... the perma-sealth build is used by players who choose it for it's easy playing style. Also... there are a LOT more TRs who use builds other than perm. In fact the majority of TRs use something else.
First of all, there are not enough players to get a decent ELO.
Now with strongholds everyone and his mom with some gear joined big guilds running premade or semipremade, so if you que PuG, you will get the 'leftovers'.
Your plan will pick some of them and give them a better expirience and leave the rest in the dust. Resulting in a even wore crowd for PuG que, a worse expirience and less players.
After ca. a dozend matches with mostly 1.2-2.2k IL PuG players (some even had PvP gear) against premades or semipremades I stopped doing PvP for the time beening.
This system is dead on its feet atm. I can que PuG with my 3.6k IL char or my 2.4k IL char, I get the same ppl every match, no matter gear, IL, rank etc, bc there are no more PuG players left.
Imo the only thing they can do atm is disableling premade que and forcing a better matchmaking by forcing good players to fight next to noobs.
In the long run they should make a premade and a PuG que. Lets see how many players go for premade que.
However... if we mess it up for the PvP guilds to be able to sync... then it is already serving a purpose.
You will not be able to dissuade us from doing this... this is a logical response to the illogical situation we find ourselves. It is a measure to put something in play in an effort to stop the abuse, since nothing is being said or done to change things in the game.
Instead of trying to force someone to change the rules... start using their rules to change the situation.
Not taking action is declaring yourself a victim... I do not see victims in this game. Taking action declares that you are tired with the Status Quo and you are willing to fight back.
Of course, I did build mostly for PvE, and my stat distribution relies on my Ioun Stone which obviously goes away.
I'd say the biggest issue with the PvP population is people feeling like it's useless; they get easily overpowered, so why bother? I remember my entire team was basically unable to event dent a single paladin. Lost horribly, got virtually no glory. Was a complete waste of time.
I adopted a play style that suited my TR, who has a 2.3 il. I use that exact same style with my CW and GF.
What I would be doing with this Channel is empowering people a giving them the various playing style options. That I know of... there are 5 different styles to use. I will have mentors put in place to help every one who desires to get better.
There is the 3nd or 2nd rank, bolstering the ranks of PvP guilds who can get beaten by PuG premades, but seriously, some of you play with less then 2k IL and you want to fight PvP premades?
My CW has 3.6k IL, t. negation and t. vorpal, leg. gear and mystic artefacts. To put things into perspective I go with friends who are interested in PVP to IWD and fight them, they use all their skills and skill, I use ray of frost, guess who dies, if they have less then decent gear?
Now, BIS premades have 4k+ IL players with t.feytouched, negation, terror etc. They are difficult to beat 1v1, but most of the times they run in packs. Even if you get one alone and win, they use TS to call their mates and you lose, again.
Imo the ball is in in the hands of PW and the big guilds. If one of them would disallow premades, there is a chance, that PvP will survive. Knowing PW and seeing the changes comming with strongholds (8k arm. pen boon, 4k arm. pen from mounts etc) my money is on a few big guilds fighting each other and bashing the few unlucky ppl who are stupid enough to think, that PvP is fun.
Dont get me wrong, PvP was fun, before the power creep and the decline in the games population. Now it is a joke and the playground for some guilds.
Not every premade contains BiS players... in fact only 2 or 3 of them are.
Have you seen me throw water balloons for confusion?
Let's not try to make divides on purpose between PvE and PvP players as many of us do both, and mostly when we feel like it rather than make it a hardcore focus. I do it when I feel like it as a part of enjoying the game itself for relaxation.
Everybody's a pug sometimes the same as everyone was once a newbie.
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
this. when pvp guilds start farming glory all is dead. only solution in current statements is permanent NCL
asterotg, where have you been? appreciate your insight here
The ratings is useless. it just means , in most cases, you abbandoned team play to grab bases and let the rest of the team do the real work
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
true, but with his item level he probably do the best what he could do. no point try to fighting vs strong players, he do no difference. When weaks do clever cap, strongs can fight to make a break
There is nothing that you could ever say that would prove to me that what I do is much less important than standing and fighting. When you stay and fight on a node that is no longer gaining points... you are wasting time and the ability to cap other red nodes. Many PvP guilds and experienced players rely on this distraction to win matches. Which is why they will post an minimally talented OP on a node. No points will ever be earned from the blue team with a red OP on a node.
Very few people will see that this is a node that should be ignored and the others will become a 9v10 fight... on the remaining 4 nodes.
But that is NOT the purpose for this thread. You can voice your opinions all that you want, in opposition to the use of this channel. That is not going to stop it from happening. The channel has already been made... and I am now seeking people to help me with it. If you are not interested in helping or joining IDC... I m here for people that want to do something about the current state of PvP.
Not quite right. You will do better than most PvE players with PvP spec and near BIS gear, but the same IL with PvE spec, boons and gear, will do better. ATM the difference is not THAT high bc you dont stack constution or arm. pen with a DD to PvP anymore. This might change with strongholds and the new effect of arm pen. A CW with 15k arm. pen might be the new fotm in PvP, but he will have wasted 10k points in PvE.
The second difference might seem to be a disadvantage, but is a advantage imo. PVE players prefer to spec for AoE, bc they like the paingiver chart. PvP players spec for single target, losing AoE dmg. The thing is, that mediocre PvE groups dont fail bc of trash mobs, but in bossfights. Guess what, most of them are single target fights, so a single target spec is better in PvE and PvE, if you are not focused on the paingiver chart.