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[Apex] Recruiting Active 60 Members

[Apex] is currently both recruiting for new members and looking for other guilds/contacts to run various dungeons with. We're a smaller, tight-knit guild, but in the sense that we're all open for communicating and inviting each other and not in the sense of a five-man top-tier clique plus others typically forgotten. Party invaders are always welcome and even preferred. If you're in the guild, we want to hear from you, play with you, and talk to you. We're primarily PVE, but a few of us PVP on rare occasion.

We're looking for skilled, active players to round out the ranks and be involved. Gaming for us (like many) is currently just that grind; seeking out those greater marks, finding random epics to salvage on various alts, killing for extra refinement or farming for that evasive horn. We'd love to find new people at the same level who might just be tired of those long queues for dungeons we've all run ad nauseam, or worrying about that incoming kick when that special item drops.

To be a little more specific, the basic requirements we're looking for are pretty typical:
  • Must be Active.
  • Must be Level 60.
  • Minimum 13k GS + 100% Campaign Completion.
  • Know your class and have good environmental awareness.
  • Be willing to chat/talk/type, etc.
  • No looting and booting.

So why the requirements? We don't feel like gear score has a direct correlation with skill by any means, but that minimum will at least ensure that when people want to run epic Lostmauth (which they usually do), you're not being left behind and feeling unwanted. We also feel like that's a pretty easy number to hit, especially with the artifact off-hands being out. We do, however, want people who have played their class long enough that they know how it works and feel comfortable with it. We're all for learning new things and min/max improving, but we'd prefer people who have the general basics down, things like how much armor penetration they should be sporting and what's going to one-shot them if they idle in it. We want people to feel good about running and chatting with anyone in the guild and sometimes that helps if everyone's on the same page.

As far as time zones, many of us play during CST afternoon/evenings, into the nocturnal insomniac hours of all-night. A few of us are around throughout the morning/daytime.

Interested in joining, or even just looking for new people to occasionally run with? Feel free to hit us up in-game, or send us an Xbox message (which is probably more reliable).

Dexter@| Ryan 11 |


  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Interested in joining. I'm a 14.5K GWF working on a high crit build. Gamertag is REDSGAMESTER. Have mic. You guys sound perfect for what I'm looking for.
  • zakragezakrage Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I play a 13.6 k TR well experienced in pve and pvp. I play along beside my brother who is a 14k GWF, so we go together like peas and carrots. We stopped playing because we were sick of getting kicked from pugs we have completed every thing minus MC with pure dps groups and dont fear class over load as long as its for the guild. Down side is I work second shift and he works a crazy retail shift at lowes but we do play as much as possible, me more so than him.
    Look for me in game gammer tag is Zaknaffian my TR is Eric Dravin . shoot me a message in game or on the box .
  • kai54kai54 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Hey to both of you. Interested in getting to know you better (I guess technically there's three of you including Zaknaffian's brother) and hopefully running some stuff when you're available next. I maaaay have gaming binged a little too long this morning waiting for update fixes, but we'll hook up as soon as we can. As far as completing everything with pure dps, we're in the same boat, so that all sounds great. I'll friend you both when I wake up and we can go from there if Ryan 11 doesn't scoop you up first.
  • padzrpadzr Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Hi my name is Alex aka PaDzR
    I would like to start off with this sounds really great something am looking for I have been around since launch so I know a little about the game
    My chars 21.5k cw
    19k hunter ranger
    19.8k sw
    17k dps cleric
    They all have 100% campaign and 20 jewelcrafting
    I am working on my gwf that's going too be my main account for when the next mods hit the ground I am pretty active unless irl things happen I will try my best too run dungeons with you guys but I will be grinding my gwf most part and getting refinement on my cw for him

    If they is anything I have missed and would like too ask please message me on xbl my gamertag is : PaDzR aG
    I look forward too spending my time adventuring with apex !! Can't wait too meet you guys !!!
  • kai54kai54 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Hi Alex. Welcome to Apex. :)
  • xminixch33zyxxminixch33zyx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    hi am 15k iam always on and looking for a guild
  • xminixch33zyxxminixch33zyx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    > @xminixch33zyx said:
    > hi am 15k iam always on and looking for a guild my gamertag is xMINIxCH33ZYx
  • nekosama76nekosama76 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Interested in joining. Just hit 60 DC with only 11.2k GS. Would like to work with a guild to advance myself and others. Also bringing up a Hunter currently @ 53. Gamer Tag is Gears of Nep.
  • kc7777777kc7777777 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    Looking for a active guild, 13.7 GWF with completed campaign, working on a DC but just got her to 60. Mostly play at night and would like to run some dungeons. My gamertag is GunslingerK if you would like to send me a message. Thanks!
  • kai54kai54 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I've sent the people I haven't talked to yet xbox messages. Thanks for responding. :)
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