As the title says, does archer still good on pvp? i've seen videos when they rekt, but maybe cuz there gears are limited edition, and other videos they don't do dmg at all, just use daggers hide, and do last hit.
I've told that to don't max archer, cuz it sucked or got nerfed ( im kinda new to this ), so my ideas are wrong ? OR some are corret, and i need to pick other class? Ty for reading/aswering.
Cryptic nerfed Aspect of the Lone Wolf, stormstep, constricting arrow, etc, so Archery HR have not enough defenses/CC to play in pvp.
The combat three is dead, its very nerfed. Not worth for pvp or pve.
The trapper tree is viable for both, pve and pvp. You can get a lot of fun in both types of gameplay.
There are people that are requesting nerfs for the Trappers, but its not planned any great class balance change in the next mod launch, maybe the change could come in the next months, but there is nothing confirmed or mentioned by Cryptic for this class. And also there are some HRs that defend the class on the forums
If you are making a new char and want some range powers I suggest you to try CW. Its very versatile in any game situation, there are different builds for him, and performs very well anywhere. Also there is a lot of CWs in the game, maybe its one of the most popular. Its not hard to guess why.
You can do reasonably well if you just make a slight variant of the cookie-cutter Trapper build complete with Negation enchants and root-power spamming, but in this case it's just a poor-man's version of the Trapper with significantly weaker CC capacity, and has no advantage over the base-line Trapper build. Even the DPS sucks and Trappers actually have higher DPS than Archers.
The Archery path feats are made for long-range bow-and-arrow shooting fights in mind, except this is NW, and there's no such thing as a "long range fight". Doesn't work in PvE, and doesn't work in PvP. So around half of the feats are absolutely useless in both PvP and PvE, and the feats that actually do have relevance are also made useless in general in that without the constant CC spamming like the Trappers can do, even with slightly higher damage buffs you can't survive long enough for them to be useful.
Every ranged class dominates the Archer at long range, and every melee class dominates the Archer in close/mid range, because the damage output is a joke. That's how 'viable' Archery is, in PvP.
There are some recent discussions in The Wilds/HR forums.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
But please, If you can, tell me 1 combat HR that classified as top 1000 in the NCL.
Just one.
GWF is not OP, but you talk about 1 player, the top 1 is not representative for the class or the game, he just represent himself or his premade (idk).
Do you understand the difference? Im not a native english speaker, I dont know If I can explain it to you with a more simple way: Please dont elaborate a fallacy with a cheap syllogism.
Im talking about 1000 players, and you still dont say 1 combat HR that classified well. And yes, that is representative because we are talking about an entire class played by thousands in a 1000 top ranking. Its not 1 player like the top 1 GWF.
At least for me, to check PVP ranks and classes its a good method to see how it is going on in PVP. But you need some basic logic and perspective to analyze the results.
I know that you are the master of the HRs because you dont play trapper and you like to master a tree that nobody uses at high end pvp. But with the kind of logic that you have probed to elaborate its not strange for me to read the things that are you writing.
But if it is ok for you: HR combat is not dead.
PS: Please, can you send me a msg with the name of that one combat HR player. TY.
PS2: Still waiting for the player name with a combat HR that classified in the top 1000.
PS3: Time waste. Its all I can say.
So I must search all the HRs in the top 1000 and ask them one by one what tree they play. LOL. FU man. Dont waste my time.
The troll of the week.
If you dont want to say what combat HR is in the top 1000 I will take it as no one did it and you are just trolling.
I said the contrary because I ranked in the top 1000 NCL (19 HR) and I have not seen any combat HR inside... 0. With more than 300 matches played, 0 combat hrs. So I asume that combat HRs are not winning enough to get inside my matches, but this is something very hard to guess by you. Maybe someday Ill take some time to explain it to you with more detail.
I dont know if outside the top 1000 you see a lot, maybe you can check it
Clonkyo, the low pvp GWF that speaks about how good its a combat HR.
Keep that good work with your chars.
All the top 40 didnt try the combat path, never played it, and they dont try maximize the best of their chars to get as far as they can in a pvp competition, not easy at some levels, and not for taking tee cups at the moonstone mask while bragging about combat hr skills.
We are all trappers because we dont like the hard word, because combat hr is good but all we go for the easy way. And thats the only reason to not see any combat HR in high end pvp.
It seems that you cant understand the most basic things.
I talked about GWFs in another threads, I will not repeat it, if you care (idk) you can search about it.
If a player is requesting for a tip about a tree I cant push him to specs that have 0 chances to score high. I will tell him my POV of the feats, as I did before, and I will try to point him in the right direction (at least the right direction for me).
Anyway you can take me for whatever you want, I dont care. Also I play all classes in the game, just for fun and for learn how they work.
You cant say that I dont know how to play a tree just because I dont use it at this moment.
I specced my HR the best I could to score as high as possible, and as far as I know that is not a bad thing. If you dont do that for your chars I respect it. Ill try to do it again in the next NCL.
I never said or proved that things about GWFs/SWs, stop lying. My logic is very far from that.
Dont mess with my words to probe false sentences.
EDIT: Ive responded to Viceent1. Still looking for that HR combat that scored in the top 1000.