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Best third artifact for my SW.

midnightblue88midnightblue88 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
edited July 2015 in The Nine Hells

What's the third best artifact for my SW? Artifacts are expensive so I want to make sure I get my money/diamonds' worth before committing. Trying to get rid of the catalog one.


  • cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Once the DC Artifact that you can get when IWD drops; it varies really.

    It all depends on what exactly you want to stack. As the second and third one are for stats only.
    Remember, as a SW; you want 24% RI across your ArPen and Int to do full damage. And as we're a lil squishy out of Shadow Slip; defence and a lil deflect will help. Also, if using any kind of Vorpal, you want to aim for 40% Crit Chance.

    Lastly, many artifact when hitting epic provide a class stat boost (ie. Combat Advantage or Incoming Healing).
    CA increases your damage in a group, AP gain helps you charge your Dailies faster and Incoming Healing makes everything that heals you much more harder hitting.
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
    BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
    Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
  • lucivictuslucivictus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Orb of Tiamat is cheap and it makes for a great third artifact to pad some of the SW core stats.

    That being said your character looks like it needs some reworking to maximize your effectiveness. To expound on Guts' great info on ArP, you really only want 23% before your campfire buff. As bosses are the only mob to allow 24%, having 24% at all times is a waist of 100 stat points. Better to walk around with 23% and allow the campfire buff to get you up to 24% before you face that boss. As a cornerstone to your build, ArP is the first thing to do, as it is static, then build around that with the other core stats.

    Are you running split set, or did you transmog? I'm not sure what this obsession with split sets is lately with Warlocks and CW. HR should split set (except for the new Dragon Templar) as none of the four set bonuses are good for Trapper (the only build an HR should play), but a SW should always run the Accursed Diabolist full set. Hellfire is that good. More damage, more lifesteal, more survivability, top of every chart on the leaderboard. If you really find yourself needing more defense, the new Dragon Templar set has impressive stats (including the -5% DR!), but, again, if you are not maximizing your DPS, why are you a SW?
  • cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Sorry, just realised you posted a pic of your stats (didn't load when I was on my phone).

    Lucivictus is right, if you are indeed running split sets; then I would rethink that approach. If you are going down the Draconic Templar set route; I wouldn't equipped it until you have the full set.
    Also, ditch the Shores set; as all it's providing is a bloat for your GS (intended to get you into Epic Shores/Lostmauth).

    And to extend Licvictus (who extended me), you are well and truly over-penning for no reason unless you PVP using this setup.
    If you are running anything less than Greater Vorpal, your crit/power balance is off. See here. Plus, unless you're a Templock; you LS is well over the DimR.

    Back to the artifact. Unless you tweak your stats; even the Tiamat Orb will unbalance you even more due to it having ArP, Power, Crit, Rec and AP Gain. Again, once you hit epic with it; you will be wasting stats due to DimR.
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
    BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
    Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
  • lucivictuslucivictus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Agreed on the Orb and ArP, but that's going to be the case when equipping new or upgraded gear. At this point I have to rearrange enchants every time I upgrade my artifacts. Add 200 here, take away 200 there so I can add 150 somewhere else. It's all about getting the most out of what's out there and what you have.

    The last time made a big gear change (personalized rings and cloak) I had to work it all out on paper first as I changed many enchantments and ioun stone items to keep a good build.
  • midnightblue88midnightblue88 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I went back to full Accursed Diabolist set. I'm trying to make it a full DPS set.
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