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Solution for chat spam



  • err0rpr0n3err0rpr0n3 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Can't "simply make them level 30-45 to post" real players would be impacted when asking for help and I know at least some of us occasionally help out lower level players in the community. Also it wouldn't matter, they'd hire some kid(s) for $1/1 euro a day to do nothing but level up to whatever the minimum cap was and then start banking those characters for future use, not even a blip or hard to come up with the solution. It'd be nice if you could set a local ignore threshold that would automatically start ignoring a person if they made more than x comments in y time, both configurable by the user with defaults along with a default shorter tolerance for duplicate comments. So the default would at least slow the spam somewhat (they may just put more characters online at the same time though) I guess it's a harder problem to solve than we probably give credit for, I'm sure they want to do something but don't want to impact users negatively.

    I myself just tend to spend a lot more time outside of PE post-expansion so the problem seems to have solved itself with just the sheer number of new player hubs in the game for me. Also being VIP most of the reasons to go to PE don't exist once you've hit 70

  • arsenalatxarsenalatx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I have a much simpler idea. Restrict how many times per minute a player can post in zone/trade/LFG and give a character limit so 1 message doesn't fill up an entire text box.
  • err0rpr0n3err0rpr0n3 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    yeah, but as I suggested, the easy way around that for people who's income depends on this mind you, is to just have more characters to overcome the limit if you limit to 1 twitter sized message in PE every 5 minutes, they'd have 20 characters on there each sending messages at intervals so as to not violate the limits but with the same net effect. If you're making (assuming and probably really low-ball) over $1k a day you can spend a week's profit and buy the additional Xboxes and such that you'd need for that as a cost of doing business (and probably get to write it off on your taxes on top of that if you're in a country that allows such things).
  • arsenalatxarsenalatx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    If they have 20 characters on there, so be it. It's a lot more inconvenient for them as opposed to the 3 at a time running around right now.
  • tatakainokamitatakainokami Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I think the report system is a joke. An in game mute option would be far more efficient, the spammers won't know if they been muted by everyone and when they do create a new account it will be days/ weeks later and we can mute them too. Chat will be quieter instantaneously with a mute option. As opposed to reporting them and still seeing the chat spam for hours after. Then next time you log in the account has been banned but they've created a new one so it solves nothing.

    Mute is definitely the best option.

    Another option is limiting the chat you can see to within 10 levels either side of your own. Except when pming, guild chatting or group chatting. High level players helping out low level friends will most likely be on xbox party chat anyway so this would not inhibit that. The only drawback is the spammers would probably set up in the areas where your combat level gets bumped up or down.
  • igotit4freeigotit4free Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Putting timers or auto blocking on the same repeated messages will not solve this issue but make it worse for people like myself that often sit in the enclave for 3 or 4 hours at a time just trading. Trades don't always sell straight away as there are many people coming and going all the time so often you have to just sit it out and put up the same trade message every min or so before you get a trade.

    Putting an ignore option in-game, again will not solve the issue as they will just keep making new accounts and you will just be forever blocking them. People will get lazy and will stop actually reporting them to M$ as it will be easier/quicker to just hit the ignore button in-game and the cycle will continue.

    Limiting the lvl before one can post in the chat box, again will not solve the issue as stated above they will just hire some kid to do it for them and have many profiles banked up ready to deploy. Not to mention this will just impact newer players looking for help or trying to get a head with the game.

    Limiting words like www or .com again wont solve the issue as they are already trying to hide the addresses with stuff like "3W.BL"A'H`D0T.C(0)M" and the likes.

    And so on and so on, the only real solution I can see to this is reporting their profile to xbox live so M$ can perma ban the console ID (regardless if it is not the original xbox account owner that was reported). They will get sick of having to buy a new xbox every week or so, their profits will start to fall and they will soon give up.

    I literally sit there everytime (as I do a lot of trades in the enclave) and report the profile to xbox live and then block them, after a few mins I stop seeing the messages and can resume with my trades until the next wave of names start spamming.(I kid you not I have over 200+ profiles blocked just from this game alone from these spammers in my blocked list on my profile).

    M$ will see x amount of reports on said profiles with the same console ID for spam and should flag the console then act quickly and have the console ID banned for good..... Just my 2 cents ;)
  • yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    Filter out ".COM" and all of it's variants for starters.
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    @yourenext2die They would always find a way to get around it. Like: c()m, c-o-m, c@m, and so on and so forth. It is never ending with this people. All that can be done is banning Consoles, which Microsoft has to do.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    @john6522 no offense, but you kinda came off as a representative from those sites lol. Quote: "they double what arc does for the price"

    Probably not your intention, but I thought it was funny.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Yea, but at least what I have been told, is that it is a scam and if you do go there and purchase whatever, they steal your card info.

    I don't know for sure, that's just what I have been told.
  • gingfreexgingfreex Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Recently, I was temporarily suspended for spamming chat with vulgar languages(which I did not do). If neverwinter should try to fix theses issues, I am afraid that other players will get caught in the injustice served by neverwinter... The last message I typed in chat was "1v1 anyone". Should prove a point.
  • valaniillevalaniille Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    gingfreex said:

    Recently, I was temporarily suspended for spamming chat with vulgar languages(which I did not do). If neverwinter should try to fix theses issues, I am afraid that other players will get caught in the injustice served by neverwinter... The last message I typed in chat was "1v1 anyone". Should prove a point.

    that happened to me today. it is now a way to get rid of a player that you dont like! I also regret i ever wanted that fixed... :(

    I'm a legit player, I was doing some missions and a bunch of objective stealers kept harrassing me and stealing my kills and objectives. i reported them for game harrassment, which did nothing to them, so i posted on chat that they are objective thiefs... one of them then posted to others to "just report me as chat spam " :) and so I am suspended. I wasnt using vulgal language and i didnt post "too much messages" . WELL DONE PERFECT WORLD. You made a perfect tool to get rid of any player any time, soon guilds will be mass reporting players they dont like, or sbd who won on pvp.

  • cesar#6784 cesar Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    Unbelievable, man.
  • valaniillevalaniille Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    this is not the only thing PWE does against fair players (for example I get punished for their server issues while in pvp, how many times it costed me health kit and 30 min punishment for "abandoning" my WINNING team, thanks to server not responding+deconnection. Even anti-boot-n-loot aims at normal players, when there is sbd not playing at all and just waiting by the fire and you cannot kick him cause there is a blue loot on the ground.
    what else would we expect from a company that promotes invisible backstabbers and thiefs? (I wonder why... B) )
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