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Best Paladin Build?

wrathofcrotawrathofcrota Member Posts: 7 Arc User
edited September 2015 in The Citadel
What would you recommend is the best build for a Paladin? This is my first time on NW PC and I'm really not sure on what to build my Paladin as. Defensive for the team, or healer. I've read posts about it, but all they talk about is their armor, not what paragon they chose. What would you recommend is the best build for a Paladin? I'm not worried about DPs either.
Post edited by zebular on


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    silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    As a counterpoint, my OP is Protection Justice. She had absolutely no trouble leveling from 1 - 64 or 65. Upon entering Spinward, it was a bit slower to kill things.

    All a matter of play style but at least a respec is relatively cheap.
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    edgethemcedgethemc Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 24 Arc User
    I'll give you my oppinion cuz not many people built their Pally the way I did, yet:

    Justice Tree in either one of the Paths would probably be your best choice for both PVP and PVE content, since it is the most versatile build while still providing a lot of support to any team.

    Gearwise you'll want the best stats considering what you wanna do (tank go for defense, heal go for power crit).

    My Pally is Justice/light Devotion, I Pretty much keep Circle of Life (The one with the 50+sec cooldown) constantly up, and I can spam Cleansing touch for some delicious Heals in a party, I am not geared/booned yet, but I foresee that it will be a piece of cake any PvE content with it, once I get all my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> sorted.
    In PvP I hold 3/4 people with great/good gear without dying (takes timing and some dencent skill, with the justice healer spec, cuz they hurt you, you need to outheal their damage), and if they are less geared than that I'll hold all five of them, and most of the times I wont even raise my sanctuary (that's how good the build is).

    The Justice tree in the Devotion path, when capped and with feats chosen wisely, gets you to spam encounters quite regularly, making it easier to either kill the mobs faster while soloing (more hits = more damage) or heal your mates in a pinch, and still provides you with the tools to chose if you wanna pvp or pve without having to switch gear all that much, OPs are a recent class, so they are quite easy to understand and play.

    But keep in mind that all that versatility has a price, as for tanking and survivability, you need to really be focused in either PvP or PvE cuz you DIE if you dont make the right move at the right time, even with decent Defense you'll melt like butter making you useless to your team, and the heals are good but they have to be constantly casted because theres not many AoE healing other than the Auras and Cleansing Touch.

    If you wanna Tank, I dont think Justice is really the way to go, but I can see it working as well (never tested, Im not the Tank type of player), just make sure to maximize the right stats (the defensive ones). But again, for tanking, Bullwark is probably the best choice. Same with the paragon, Protection is the way to go for insane number tanking, it all depends on what you wanna do.

    Hope I helped you.
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    namrekcanamrekca Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    I just got my Pally leveled up and run a Justice tank no problem.
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    avengingangel93avengingangel93 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edgethemc wrote: »
    If you wanna Tank, I dont think Justice is really the way to go, but I can see it working as well (never tested, Im not the Tank type of player), just make sure to maximize the right stats (the defensive ones). But again, for tanking, Bullwark is probably the best choice. Same with the paragon, Protection is the way to go for insane number tanking, it all depends on what you wanna do.

    Bulwark and Justice both have their perks. I am and always have been a justice/light spec protection paragon OP, and it works a charm.
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Bulwark and Justice both have their perks. I am and always have been a justice/light spec protection paragon OP, and it works a charm.

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    omgitszephomgitszeph Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    My first run at OP was Protection Justice/Light and she is a beast, this seems to serve solo and party play very nicely. Second Pally is Protection Bulwark with a smattring of light and again very awesome for solo or party play. To be honest there really is not a "best," its such an amazing class you cant go wrong, just decide what you plan to do with your character, and if all else fails, restats are cheap and easy :D
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    wulfironshieldwulfironshield Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I have two Paladins. One is Dragonborn and Oath Of Devotion and the other Human and Oath Of Protection. They are My human (Protection) rose slightly faster and is now Level 61. My Dragonborn (Devotion) is Level 56.

    So, based on my limited experience, Oath Of Protection seem to advance a bit more quickly and easily.
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    treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    You want me to be honest, build for max HP, go protection paladin, chose healing feats path and 3 on Bullwark, with 2 tab ticks you are full health, you'll make the enemies crush the computer on the ground after they dealt some decent damage on you and you're back up, appart from that you'll also heal allies, the cons? Control, make sure you get a ogma token, and some control resist otherwise the have a glance to kill you. PVE, Justice is encounter spammer, Bullwark solid resistance, since templars wrath is so good, either of those are good, if you go justice oout 3 sets of feats on bullwark, you'll need.

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    kingzeke7897kingzeke7897 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I went tank op protection justice with light up 2 auras gifts stacking 10k recovery along with the feat that allows u to gain ap with each use of tab my encounters have no cooldowns because of the justice tree and i have the daily power divine protector active 100% of every fight so my dr is capped at 80% no need to stack def.
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