I love how so many are going "oh, they should raise the GS requirement to ##k!". I have said this so many times it's not even funny anymore. GS. DOESN'T. MEAN. ANYTHING. GS is literally just the rank of your armor/weapon. It doesn't rate how tough you are, how much DPS you can do, how much DPS you can take. It's literal only function is to let you know "hey, your armor/weapon is worth more now! " I mean, jeez you put on an Epic and yes, it goes up, because it's rarer and therefore is worth more, but oh look at that, you put on ANOTHER piece of gear (even if it's another Epic) that does better, but your GS GOES DOWN. (I have actually had this happen to me) More than likely, despite being better for your character, it's not as rare or worth as much as the gear you had on.
It's not the gear either. GS also doesn't matter if the person controlling the character isn't very good at the game. You don't have to be good at the game to get a high GS (because I'll bet there were a lot of people who shoved money at PW, Cryptic, and MS to buy Zen, convert it to Astral Diamonds, then went and bought the best armor they could find, a bunch of enchantments, Marks, Coalescent Wards, and goodness knows what else.)
When you can buy yourself to the top, why should GS matter when pretty much ANYONE can get it if they put out the money for it? (I still don't understand why anyone would put money into a free to play game. Lord knows I didn't but I'm doing alright for myself.)
What I think they should do is treat Tiamat like a dungeon, no time limit, maybe a queuing system if possible, and something to regulate how many people choose which gem (we had a bunch of people just choose black and that was the only head everyone went after once Tiamat rose). Just you, and goodness knows how many others who have gone in with you fighting Tiamat.
I honestly think twenty minutes is a bit of a crunch for having to beat the most evil creature in the Nine Hells. I mean, when you have to beat all five heads to kill it, twenty minutes is kinda pushing it in my opinion.
you are wrong...no need GS?
i have a question...epic lair of lostmouth, epic shore need 13k GS. normal is 10.5k.
why? why? because of powerful mobs, boss.
almost over 13k gs players have understood game system. high dps, class
10k users? no...if they understood game system, will buy t2 item in AH.
10k is very low GS.
no need GS? okay...everyone take off your epic weapon,armor..equip green,blue item.
make 10k...kill the tiamat
Okay, look. GS means nothing. This is so tiring having to explain over and over again. On the PC GS is gone and for good reason. It is not an accurate representation of the efficiency of your character. If you pad your GS with equipment that does not make you more effective then what is the point? I have witnessed people with 16 - 20k GS get out done by people with 12 - 13k GS. Lastly, having over 13k GS does not in any way mean that person understands the game mechanics.
So what if gearscore is gone? people still have the elitist attitude saying that if you are below 3k item level you can't run tiamat with us.
True, but at least TIL is a more accurate representation. Elitist attitudes in gaming will never go away.
Signature under construction, stay tuned. GT: b0red gamer
I enjoyed my 3 runs with Hunter Ranger GS scraping 11, nice piece of armour I got too, I was ver very happy, beat it 2 out of 3 tries,
Gs is not so important I think its organised people who know what they are doing ... I look at some of the high gear scores players and then check their stats and wonder how they survive anything!!
After doing a number of failed runs, what I see is that players quitting right off the bat, temple afks, players not paying attention, players not learning the fight, and players not picking up dragon souls to combat Tiamat's bad breath. I've seen whole groups died because of that last alone.
I think it's great. Very little lag for all that's happening on the screen. I have been in a room that beat it once out of 5 or 6 tries on my part. I think the whole thing is designed pretty well. Cryptic has been on the ball fixing issues so far. I can't complain.
The times I was in a losing room the two primary factors in our defeat were too little DPS and not enough coordination amongst players. Blaming gear score absolves all the wallet warriors of blame. Mommy's/Daddy's credit card doesn't play the game though.
There definitely needs to be a better way of communicating with everyone else in there. Either let us stay in our pre made groups rather than mixing us up in different instances or open voice chat across all 25 people. Its a real pain talking in zone chat and I just don't bother. I appreciate what people are saying about DPS but to me communication would help a great deal as then you could advise those who haven't a scooby and also alert people to things like they should fight the mobs away from the clerics and that they need to look around at the other clerics too - sometimes I notice that there are 10 each at two clerics and no one has realised that the third cleric is only recharging slowly due to having only 5 protecting her. Anyway, hopefully in time, people will start to realise these things.
Gear score is a flawed metric. Should that cw break up the vizer set for 400 more GS?
Add onto that, as a CW, along with my Vizier set, I also have Repel, Icy Terrain and Steal Time memorized to make protecting the clerics muuuch easier. None of those are big damage dealers. Are you going to punish a CW who makes that aspect of the battle go faster but doesn't do nearly as much damage to the heads as other DPS?
my biggest gripe thus far is people who are dead set in finishing in 3 waves or quitting. I've had several runs where we've had four waves, with the last wave expiring just a few seconds before the event timer. If you aren't going to finish in 3.. and know are you aren't, get the heads down to 5% each, and wipe up in wave 4! Wave 4 could easily need less than a minute to beat Tiamat.
I have run it maybe 8 times in total, the first couple were a mess with most people not having a clue what to do. The next 4 everyone followed the normal strategy but we still got trounced and ran out of time. My last 2 runs were both wins (First win gave me the orb, oh yeah) and the defining winning moment seemed to be at the cleric stage. In my losses these stages just took far too long because everyone was bunched up fighting on the clerics. If every cleric has a few players with area effect knockback skills then this is not a problem, mobs come, get knocked back and mopped up by the other players.
There definitely needs to be a better way of communicating with everyone else in there.
There is, when at your gate, group up with 4 others there. XBox party chat would be best but the in-game works most times ish. Problem solved; that will be 5 gold please.
If, however, you want to hear all 25, you need to think about what you are asking for there. Some 13 year olds mom screaming at him to get of the Xbox, random hate flaming, and 'no, listen to me' would be all you would hear. It would be utter chaos and painful.
I've done about 11 runs so far and all of them..fail. Only one time we were almost there, only if we had like 2 more seconds. Lately I see that people get the concept of what is suppose to be done, but our group is just not strong enough. Also the people not getting the gems is still an ongoing issue. I do see a lot of people give up very early on or if they were in black/green group, after the 2nd wave they don't come back cause they don't want to run all the way back. Well at least I got the Dragon Cult Pack out of it, but I wasted so much money on pots....
First six runs all failed though gradual improvements - next eight all successes - then a fail by maybe 0.1% of the last dragons head followed by 2 abject dismal runs including half the raid killing the black dragon head in wave 1 for some reason then a couple of good successes - got the orb which is but not much else and had chest bug out on one success so couldn't open even though I had 4 keys on me.
Something I noticed is that all my successful raids so far, I went in early. Every time I waited until later to get a good group or end up with some of my guild, we failed.
Once I was running behind and trying to make it across the map with my slow winter wolf and made it at literally the last second. I must not have been the only one because when I got in everyone was still standing at the spawn point and the gates opened up. There was no time for any kind of organizing. I honestly believe it was a good group of players because we almost had it but it was so chaotic. Especially while defending clerics.. it was different groups every time. One round nobody went to the middle cleric. Then it seemed everyone noticed at the same time because everyone went to the middle and the other 2 clerics suffered. DPS was fine because the heads melted.
So in my opinion some kind of organization is way better than having an all star group of 17k+ players. I'm not going to wait so long to enter the temple anymore.
Also it seems to me that defending the clerics is the biggest factor right now in determining if you will be successful or not. Like I said earlier this benefits greatly by organizing in to groups at the beginning. More and more people are getting off the clerics now which is also huge. I know that if the first phase of defending goes smoothly then we have a legit chance to win. If not.. it's gonna be a brawl to the end.
I do wish there was a better way to communicate and assign groups. It's would be great to figure out who has what powers and enchantments. As it is right now I tend to find a group that needs a DPS and go from there. It would be great if everyone or group is assigned a head at the last round so each group runs and finishes off that head. As it is most of the time eveyone goes back to black or white and works back through them 1 by 1... but this is inefficient because several players end up getting to each head too late to hit it. This can result in a fail if it's close enough.
Overall it can be brutal and costly if you get in a bad raid, but it's a lot of fun. The bad raids make you appreciate it so much more when everyone comes together and gets it right.
I like how majority of the people complaining about not incorporating gear score are those that can't hack it. seriously.. 9k-10k GS players have NO BUSINESS in Tiamat. Those defending against this.. tell me.. a 9k GS toon (not counting one equipped with a decked-out Ioun Stone, and perfect weapon enchant) cannot be as effective in this raid as a 13k GS plus. its just frustrating loading into the temple and inspecting the first 3 people in front of you and seeing "9K, 10.2k, 8.7k.." like holy HAMSTER why bother trying on this one? 3 for 3 will be practically useless..
I'm not saying there SHOULD be a GS cap.. but AT LEAST allow parties or groups from the same instance priority in ending up in the same group.
Honestly it seems like the majority of people complaining are those with a high GS since the most vocal complaint is low GS players.
Also for examples of 10k GS players outperforming players with better gear just run some dungeons. It happens a lot and if there isn't one that is tops it's often close. With the logic some people are using it shouldn't even be close.
I personally think it is extremely easy and has somewhat ruined the game. only time will tell in a few weeks. i have played it 36 times with 30 wins 6 fails. 5 of those 6 fails came in the 1st 6 times we could do it with people not knowing what to do. i havent lost in a while. once you have a team of people that know what to do and have high gs especially stats like power for example its extremely easy.
reason i say it ruined the game is 1st, it killed the market on t2 items. how else are we suppose to make money now??? what is the point of running t2 dungeons and elol if when you finally get that good reward to drop it is worthless!! there is no reward at this point. no reason to play almost. 2 is that not only did they ruin the market and the game with the t2 drop rates they have made the chance for good drops VERY high. i mean the draconic templar gloves are 8k, the orbs are 200k, the new book 15k.
so not only did they kill the price on all things we used to make money on they killed the price on the new stuff by making it drop so often. i myself have gotten 3 orbs, 4 books, 9 gloves and dont even get me started on artifact belts out of the end chest. yeah im really gonna waste a 30k key on a 8k belt.
its absurd!
i think they will lose a lot of players in the next few weeks when people start realizing how easy it is and how much it killed the market and how there really is nothing to do now. my guild for one are all pissed off about this and most players in my guild feel the same as me, what is the point of grinding now for no reward? especially once you have your off hand, orb and enough linus favors to buy everything you want.
and dont even get me started on the favors as well.
saved up 30 of them and the new book to get the 2nd of the 3 tier boon, choose the 2nd critical strike one and instead of raising my severity by 1.5% like it said it would it raised it by .1%..... yes 1/10 of a percent. i started a thread about it today and mod confirmed it was bugged. so what reason to go for something that doesnt work as well at this point. this pissed me off the most since i would have never picked the boon knowing that and wasted the book and 30 favors. now the last boon requires all 3 books which are like 400k combined and 50 favors! i dont even think i wanna do it. just to pick a boon that doesnt work and supposedly has been bugged forever as well. not worth my time or attention.
do i complain about the game alot? yes. but thats only cause i enjoy the game soooo much and have played it since day 1 and can see so much potential with this game but its like they never listen to the community, never fix anything, when they do fix 1 thing they break 3 others then the 3 things they break take another month if your lucky to be fixed. but yet, they can have that zen market updated flawlessly like clock work every week with new stuff to waste your money on without fixing things we have been complaining about for months now. game feels so much more like a cash grab with next to no communication at all.
vote to kick still broke, lostmauth dropping blues still broke, boons broke, class features broke, vorpal not showing severity on stat sheet still broke, lots of disconnects and frame rate loss still broke, game is still broke.
how do they expect people to spend real money on this game when they never listen to us, never fix anything, ruin the ad economy and ah economy, and zen to ad rate is so low.
i for one have spent a few hundred on the game already to help them out and caused i enjoy the game and i can afford to as a source of entertainment for myself. but i refuse to spend another dime on this game at all due to everything i just mentioned.
1. upgrade the servers and get the frame rate and lag under control
2. fix elol from dropping blues from bosses. it is the hardest dungeon we have for sake!
3. fix the broken class/game mechanics.
4. fix the tooltips to display correct info
5. fix the boons
6. fix the vorpals
7. fix the vtk, its easy no booting while in battle or after going thru boss door animation.
8. lower the drop rate of the books, draconic templar items and tiamats orbs to make them have value.
9. STOP putting t2 drops in the dungeon!!
10. STOP putting t2 drops in the dungeon!!!
12. all they have to do is stop putting t2 drops in tiamat and release a new like t3 set that rarely drops like t2 pieces did in t2 dungeons and waa laa!! t2 prices re stabilize to what they were and the new t3 items sell for alot cause they are also now rare.
by doing this you will re stabilize the economy and the market and make players feel like they are getting rewarded again when they finally do get a good drop and give them a reason to play.
the crash of items on the market place due to this and the lack of being able to make any money now and no reward for playing the game now WILL BE the #1 demise and reason that this game will die and its a shame.
but i have talked to hundreds of players in the past few days and we all feel the same. i know not everyone does but i think a large mount of the players that are "still left" do.
they can fix it but they need to start like right now right now.
if they dont the game is dead.
but thats my opinion based off what i seen in this game since playing from day 1 with well over 1000 hours logged and tons of friends and guild mates with 1000s of hours logged, 95% of us feel this way.
your opinion may differ, but this is mine.
Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube. youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan
Great post and you raise some very good points, all of which I fully agree with. Lets hope that the devs also take note and actually do something about the issues which are ruining the game and its economy. I especially like the idea of T3 drops being implemented in Tiamat and the removal of T2's as this has pretty much rendered dungeons redundant now.
The economy in the game is an absolute mess now and really needs addressing before it completely collapses and kills the game off completely.
Great post and you raise some very good points, all of which I fully agree with. Lets hope that the devs also take note and actually do something about the issues which are ruining the game and its economy. I especially like the idea of T3 drops being implemented in Tiamat and the removal of T2's as this has pretty much rendered dungeons redundant now.
The economy in the game is an absolute mess now and really needs addressing before it completely collapses and kills the game off completely.
thanks man yeah i know i am an avid supporter and complainer of this game just cause i want it to be a good game that has longevity, im actually bout to make a youtube video this week about this topic, its sad. if they do what i said its fixed. period.
Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube. youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan
Now T2 drops are fine, I don't have a problem with T2 drops - AH prices are down but hey now it's much easier and less expensive to level up a new char.
Temple Items are okay looks like a T2.5 set, I still use my T2 sets.
What I don't like is the fact that the GS value for Tiamat is only 10.000. You should raise that to 12.5 or 13k (13.000)
The rants about the economy humor me. Every time I read a rant about "now I cant make money" I think to myself, but you just complained the prices of everything are down, so why do you need to make millions when everything costs thousands LOL. Have the prices dropped? Yes. So common sense now dictates that if you're not making as much money but the costs have dropped, you're about even just with smaller numbers.
Example: Item 1 costs 1 million you make 1 million from grinding = You can afford item 1
Example: Item 1 costs 10k and you make 10k from grinding = You can afford item 1
Smaller numbers but its smaller numbers on both ends. If the costs were still up but the returns from grinding were down I would understand but as it sits now I have no idea what all the complaining is about.
The rants about the economy humor me. Every time I read a rant about "now I cant make money" I think to myself, but you just complained the prices of everything are down, so why do you need to make millions when everything costs thousands LOL. Have the prices dropped? Yes. So common sense now dictates that if you're not making as much money but the costs have dropped, you're about even just with smaller numbers.
Example: Item 1 costs 1 million you make 1 million from grinding = You can afford item 1
Example: Item 1 costs 10k and you make 10k from grinding = You can afford item 1
Smaller numbers but its smaller numbers on both ends. If the costs were still up but the returns from grinding were down I would understand but as it sits now I have no idea what all the complaining is about.
Yes, but without those millions, how else do I get my tens of thousands of Zen without paying for them...
The rants about the economy humor me. Every time I read a rant about "now I cant make money" I think to myself, but you just complained the prices of everything are down, so why do you need to make millions when everything costs thousands LOL. Have the prices dropped? Yes. So common sense now dictates that if you're not making as much money but the costs have dropped, you're about even just with smaller numbers.
Example: Item 1 costs 1 million you make 1 million from grinding = You can afford item 1
Example: Item 1 costs 10k and you make 10k from grinding = You can afford item 1
Smaller numbers but its smaller numbers on both ends. If the costs were still up but the returns from grinding were down I would understand but as it sits now I have no idea what all the complaining is about.
ohhhh like how the greater mark of potency's came down from 100k, how greater mark of powers aint 300k+ no more, what about them greater mark of unions??? they was like 75k last week....... oh thats right excuse me they went up to 250k+, how bout them greater plague fires that been 950k for the past 2 months those went down to huh?? them rank 9 radiants that been 800k plus the past few months those went down as well right?? them lantern of revalation artifacts there were 250k 6 weeks ago... yeah them bad boys is 450k+ now. you must be shopping in the good will of auction house's cause aint NONE of that stuff went down except for the t2 gear that top end players have been farming. forget all the countless hours us high gs day one players put in for months grinding for our gear , now all you gotta do is not even run t1 or t2 dungeons anymore. so tell me ..... what excatly has went down except the ONLY thing's we was farming to make money on???? unless your a low gs player and have gotten up to the big leagues yet when it cost millions to upgrade stuff on your charecter and tell me where you gonna get them millions from now? im VERY curious. ignorance like what you speak in your post without having the facts to back it up is what humors me unless you gon let me shop at the auction house you run where all the good stuff dropped 90% like the t2 pieces did??
Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube. youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan
You sir humor me. I too have been playing since day one blah blah blah... (Means nothing in the big scheme of things). The enchants, ok ill bite on that. I have always thought they were overpriced which is why I refine my own. Doesn't take long at all when you have good farming spots for refinement stones and 4 Dragon Hoard Enchants.
And sorry I am not a low GS player just now making it to the big leagues. Insulting me does not bother me the least but says more about you than me.
I guess I am the type of player that grinds what I need from drops and doesn't "need" to make millions to buy the stuff. Greater marks will more than likely stay 100k since that is the cost on the Wondrous Bazaar. If you are buying them for more than 100k then that is on you for not utilizing the Bazaar. I personally make really decent profits on a daily basis if I feel the need without the need to farm items.
To each their own. Depending on item drops as a source of income only sets yourself up for what you are experiencing.
You sir humor me. I too have been playing since day one blah blah blah... (Means nothing in the big scheme of things). The enchants, ok ill bite on that. I have always thought they were overpriced which is why I refine my own. Doesn't take long at all when you have good farming spots for refinement stones and 4 Dragon Hoard Enchants.
And sorry I am not a low GS player just now making it to the big leagues. Insulting me does not bother me the least but says more about you than me.
I guess I am the type of player that grinds what I need from drops and doesn't "need" to make millions to buy the stuff. Greater marks will more than likely stay 100k since that is the cost on the Wondrous Bazaar. If you are buying them for more than 100k then that is on you for not utilizing the Bazaar. I personally make really decent profits on a daily basis if I feel the need without the need to farm items.
To each their own. Depending on item drops as a source of income only sets yourself up for what you are experiencing.
with all the humoring i am doing to you i should charge you for a ticket to this comedy show then right? lol i am not insulting you at all.i was simply pointing out the flaw in what you said and proved what i said with facts. i know the potencys are 100k in bazaar why people list them for more beats the heck out of me cause i know no one is buying them. i have 5 dragon hoard enchantments but with all artifact equipment everything goes in to them. i pointed out with numbers that top tier things that most players want and need have not dropped at all. the game is being ruined right before your eyes. you seem like an intelligent person so i dont know how you dont see that. just read the pc forums or "other" forums about the game. what is the purpose now of running t2 dungeons and elol?? there is none. there is NOTHING you can do in the game that will make you as much as items were and suppose to be selling for. even if you make 25k-50k a day with leadership you can only refind 24k a day. so your telling me i have to wait 13 days to buy 1 greater mark of power i need to level up something when before i could hit a nice t2 set piece and sell it for 200-300k? and if your argument then is multiple charecters with multiple leadership and multiple refining and transferring that is too much time and effort for 90% of the community. there is a reason why the game is dieing slowly and is all but dead on pc. remember the 1.6 million people that were playing the game on xbox the 1st month, what if i told you less then 100k of them are still left. would you believe me? please dont take what im saying to you as an insult i love the game, thats why i am sickened by what i see they are doing to it. they could have a even bigger cash coq on their hands if they just listened to people and changed and fixed things. but they refuse to. thats why the game is slowly dieing and that in it self is a shame. i play 6 hours a day most of the time but now what am i playing for? so if you know a way to make that kind of money then please share with us all cause all you will be doing now is helping the people that still play stick around so we have a game to play and argue about fyi i agree with you that the enchants are WAY overpriced as well. rank 7 radiant 30k for 185 power rank 9 radiant 900k for 240 power 870k for 55 more power.... seems kind of off to me.
Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube. youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan
Ill PM you my thoughts And my apologies. It is often hard to read intent through text.
you have mail. I broke down the way I make my money. I think you will like it and I am sure you can do it as well. Leadership is nice, but not the way to go if you need large amounts of Diamonds fast.
And your would you rather vids crack me up. So I do need to pay you for that ticket And please do not take offense to this but you should have your sister on more often. She is cute
Add onto that, as a CW, along with my Vizier set, I also have Repel, Icy Terrain and Steal Time memorized to make protecting the clerics muuuch easier.
I'm slotted the same way for the same reasons, but I'm having difficulty choosing a good 4th encounter. I tried shield, thinking it was a good way to protect clerics, but at that point, I'm not really doing much to the heads. Do you mind if I ask what you're using?
Ill PM you my thoughts And my apologies. It is often hard to read intent through text.
you have mail. I broke down the way I make my money. I think you will like it and I am sure you can do it as well. Leadership is nice, but not the way to go if you need large amounts of Diamonds fast.
And your would you rather vids crack me up. So I do need to pay you for that ticket And please do not take offense to this but you should have your sister on more often. She is cute
thx man im gonna read it and get back to you. hahahah thx again thats one of my favorite series to do on my channel but i got a video coming out with here tomorrow. thx
Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube. youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan
I just watched your video on the Tiamat fight. Much appreciated and I have to admit I watched a few videos on the fight but never thought about coordinating the dragon gems with the Cleric I was supporting. Good deal on the explanation on that. I generally grab the white Gem for the Dragon Head fight simply because I cant stand being frozen LOL but I will begin using it for the Cleric as well as I typically went all the way to the black dragon side Cleric.
True, but at least TIL is a more accurate representation. Elitist attitudes in gaming will never go away.
GT: b0red gamer
Gs is not so important I think its organised people who know what they are doing ... I look at some of the high gear scores players and then check their stats and wonder how they survive anything!!
I really wanted the orb...
The times I was in a losing room the two primary factors in our defeat were too little DPS and not enough coordination amongst players. Blaming gear score absolves all the wallet warriors of blame. Mommy's/Daddy's credit card doesn't play the game though.
Add onto that, as a CW, along with my Vizier set, I also have Repel, Icy Terrain and Steal Time memorized to make protecting the clerics muuuch easier. None of those are big damage dealers. Are you going to punish a CW who makes that aspect of the battle go faster but doesn't do nearly as much damage to the heads as other DPS?
my biggest gripe thus far is people who are dead set in finishing in 3 waves or quitting. I've had several runs where we've had four waves, with the last wave expiring just a few seconds before the event timer. If you aren't going to finish in 3.. and know are you aren't, get the heads down to 5% each, and wipe up in wave 4! Wave 4 could easily need less than a minute to beat Tiamat.
There is, when at your gate, group up with 4 others there. XBox party chat would be best but the in-game works most times ish. Problem solved; that will be 5 gold please.
If, however, you want to hear all 25, you need to think about what you are asking for there. Some 13 year olds mom screaming at him to get of the Xbox, random hate flaming, and 'no, listen to me' would be all you would hear. It would be utter chaos and painful.
Once I was running behind and trying to make it across the map with my slow winter wolf and made it at literally the last second. I must not have been the only one because when I got in everyone was still standing at the spawn point and the gates opened up. There was no time for any kind of organizing. I honestly believe it was a good group of players because we almost had it but it was so chaotic. Especially while defending clerics.. it was different groups every time. One round nobody went to the middle cleric. Then it seemed everyone noticed at the same time because everyone went to the middle and the other 2 clerics suffered. DPS was fine because the heads melted.
So in my opinion some kind of organization is way better than having an all star group of 17k+ players. I'm not going to wait so long to enter the temple anymore.
Also it seems to me that defending the clerics is the biggest factor right now in determining if you will be successful or not. Like I said earlier this benefits greatly by organizing in to groups at the beginning. More and more people are getting off the clerics now which is also huge. I know that if the first phase of defending goes smoothly then we have a legit chance to win. If not.. it's gonna be a brawl to the end.
I do wish there was a better way to communicate and assign groups. It's would be great to figure out who has what powers and enchantments. As it is right now I tend to find a group that needs a DPS and go from there. It would be great if everyone or group is assigned a head at the last round so each group runs and finishes off that head. As it is most of the time eveyone goes back to black or white and works back through them 1 by 1... but this is inefficient because several players end up getting to each head too late to hit it. This can result in a fail if it's close enough.
Overall it can be brutal and costly if you get in a bad raid, but it's a lot of fun. The bad raids make you appreciate it so much more when everyone comes together and gets it right.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
I'm not saying there SHOULD be a GS cap.. but AT LEAST allow parties or groups from the same instance priority in ending up in the same group.
That's impressive for a zone with a 10k Gearscore minimum.
Also for examples of 10k GS players outperforming players with better gear just run some dungeons. It happens a lot and if there isn't one that is tops it's often close. With the logic some people are using it shouldn't even be close.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
reason i say it ruined the game is 1st, it killed the market on t2 items. how else are we suppose to make money now??? what is the point of running t2 dungeons and elol if when you finally get that good reward to drop it is worthless!! there is no reward at this point. no reason to play almost. 2 is that not only did they ruin the market and the game with the t2 drop rates they have made the chance for good drops VERY high. i mean the draconic templar gloves are 8k, the orbs are 200k, the new book 15k.
so not only did they kill the price on all things we used to make money on they killed the price on the new stuff by making it drop so often. i myself have gotten 3 orbs, 4 books, 9 gloves and dont even get me started on artifact belts out of the end chest. yeah im really gonna waste a 30k key on a 8k belt.
its absurd!
i think they will lose a lot of players in the next few weeks when people start realizing how easy it is and how much it killed the market and how there really is nothing to do now. my guild for one are all pissed off about this and most players in my guild feel the same as me, what is the point of grinding now for no reward? especially once you have your off hand, orb and enough linus favors to buy everything you want.
and dont even get me started on the favors as well.
saved up 30 of them and the new book to get the 2nd of the 3 tier boon, choose the 2nd critical strike one and instead of raising my severity by 1.5% like it said it would it raised it by .1%..... yes 1/10 of a percent. i started a thread about it today and mod confirmed it was bugged. so what reason to go for something that doesnt work as well at this point. this pissed me off the most since i would have never picked the boon knowing that and wasted the book and 30 favors. now the last boon requires all 3 books which are like 400k combined and 50 favors! i dont even think i wanna do it. just to pick a boon that doesnt work and supposedly has been bugged forever as well. not worth my time or attention.
do i complain about the game alot? yes. but thats only cause i enjoy the game soooo much and have played it since day 1 and can see so much potential with this game but its like they never listen to the community, never fix anything, when they do fix 1 thing they break 3 others then the 3 things they break take another month if your lucky to be fixed. but yet, they can have that zen market updated flawlessly like clock work every week with new stuff to waste your money on without fixing things we have been complaining about for months now. game feels so much more like a cash grab with next to no communication at all.
vote to kick still broke, lostmauth dropping blues still broke, boons broke, class features broke, vorpal not showing severity on stat sheet still broke, lots of disconnects and frame rate loss still broke, game is still broke.
how do they expect people to spend real money on this game when they never listen to us, never fix anything, ruin the ad economy and ah economy, and zen to ad rate is so low.
i for one have spent a few hundred on the game already to help them out and caused i enjoy the game and i can afford to as a source of entertainment for myself. but i refuse to spend another dime on this game at all due to everything i just mentioned.
1. upgrade the servers and get the frame rate and lag under control
2. fix elol from dropping blues from bosses. it is the hardest dungeon we have for sake!
3. fix the broken class/game mechanics.
4. fix the tooltips to display correct info
5. fix the boons
6. fix the vorpals
7. fix the vtk, its easy no booting while in battle or after going thru boss door animation.
8. lower the drop rate of the books, draconic templar items and tiamats orbs to make them have value.
9. STOP putting t2 drops in the dungeon!!
10. STOP putting t2 drops in the dungeon!!!
12. all they have to do is stop putting t2 drops in tiamat and release a new like t3 set that rarely drops like t2 pieces did in t2 dungeons and waa laa!! t2 prices re stabilize to what they were and the new t3 items sell for alot cause they are also now rare.
by doing this you will re stabilize the economy and the market and make players feel like they are getting rewarded again when they finally do get a good drop and give them a reason to play.
the crash of items on the market place due to this and the lack of being able to make any money now and no reward for playing the game now WILL BE the #1 demise and reason that this game will die and its a shame.
but i have talked to hundreds of players in the past few days and we all feel the same. i know not everyone does but i think a large mount of the players that are "still left" do.
they can fix it but they need to start like right now right now.
if they dont the game is dead.
but thats my opinion based off what i seen in this game since playing from day 1 with well over 1000 hours logged and tons of friends and guild mates with 1000s of hours logged, 95% of us feel this way.
your opinion may differ, but this is mine.
Now T2 drops are fine, I don't have a problem with T2 drops - AH prices are down but hey now it's much easier and less expensive to level up a new char.
Temple Items are okay looks like a T2.5 set, I still use my T2 sets.
What I don't like is the fact that the GS value for Tiamat is only 10.000. You should raise that to 12.5 or 13k (13.000)
That's all I have to say.
Example: Item 1 costs 1 million you make 1 million from grinding = You can afford item 1
Example: Item 1 costs 10k and you make 10k from grinding = You can afford item 1
Smaller numbers but its smaller numbers on both ends. If the costs were still up but the returns from grinding were down I would understand but as it sits now I have no idea what all the complaining is about.
Yes, but without those millions, how else do I get my tens of thousands of Zen without paying for them...
Greed recognizes greed...
ohhhh like how the greater mark of potency's came down from 100k, how greater mark of powers aint 300k+ no more, what about them greater mark of unions??? they was like 75k last week....... oh thats right excuse me they went up to 250k+, how bout them greater plague fires that been 950k for the past 2 months those went down to huh?? them rank 9 radiants that been 800k plus the past few months those went down as well right?? them lantern of revalation artifacts there were 250k 6 weeks ago... yeah them bad boys is 450k+ now. you must be shopping in the good will of auction house's cause aint NONE of that stuff went down except for the t2 gear that top end players have been farming. forget all the countless hours us high gs day one players put in for months grinding for our gear , now all you gotta do is not even run t1 or t2 dungeons anymore. so tell me ..... what excatly has went down except the ONLY thing's we was farming to make money on???? unless your a low gs player and have gotten up to the big leagues yet when it cost millions to upgrade stuff on your charecter and tell me where you gonna get them millions from now? im VERY curious. ignorance like what you speak in your post without having the facts to back it up is what humors me unless you gon let me shop at the auction house you run where all the good stuff dropped 90% like the t2 pieces did??
And sorry I am not a low GS player just now making it to the big leagues. Insulting me does not bother me the least but says more about you than me.
I guess I am the type of player that grinds what I need from drops and doesn't "need" to make millions to buy the stuff. Greater marks will more than likely stay 100k since that is the cost on the Wondrous Bazaar. If you are buying them for more than 100k then that is on you for not utilizing the Bazaar. I personally make really decent profits on a daily basis if I feel the need without the need to farm items.
To each their own. Depending on item drops as a source of income only sets yourself up for what you are experiencing.
with all the humoring i am doing to you i should charge you for a ticket to this comedy show then right? lol i am not insulting you at all.i was simply pointing out the flaw in what you said and proved what i said with facts. i know the potencys are 100k in bazaar why people list them for more beats the heck out of me cause i know no one is buying them. i have 5 dragon hoard enchantments but with all artifact equipment everything goes in to them. i pointed out with numbers that top tier things that most players want and need have not dropped at all. the game is being ruined right before your eyes. you seem like an intelligent person so i dont know how you dont see that. just read the pc forums or "other" forums about the game. what is the purpose now of running t2 dungeons and elol?? there is none. there is NOTHING you can do in the game that will make you as much as items were and suppose to be selling for. even if you make 25k-50k a day with leadership you can only refind 24k a day. so your telling me i have to wait 13 days to buy 1 greater mark of power i need to level up something when before i could hit a nice t2 set piece and sell it for 200-300k? and if your argument then is multiple charecters with multiple leadership and multiple refining and transferring that is too much time and effort for 90% of the community. there is a reason why the game is dieing slowly and is all but dead on pc. remember the 1.6 million people that were playing the game on xbox the 1st month, what if i told you less then 100k of them are still left. would you believe me? please dont take what im saying to you as an insult i love the game, thats why i am sickened by what i see they are doing to it. they could have a even bigger cash coq on their hands if they just listened to people and changed and fixed things. but they refuse to. thats why the game is slowly dieing and that in it self is a shame. i play 6 hours a day most of the time but now what am i playing for? so if you know a way to make that kind of money then please share with us all cause all you will be doing now is helping the people that still play stick around so we have a game to play and argue about
you have mail. I broke down the way I make my money. I think you will like it and I am sure you can do it as well. Leadership is nice, but not the way to go if you need large amounts of Diamonds fast.
And your would you rather vids crack me up. So I do need to pay you for that ticket
thx man im gonna read it and get back to you. hahahah thx again thats one of my favorite series to do on my channel but i got a video coming out with here tomorrow. thx
I just watched your video on the Tiamat fight. Much appreciated and I have to admit I watched a few videos on the fight but never thought about coordinating the dragon gems with the Cleric I was supporting. Good deal on the explanation on that. I generally grab the white Gem for the Dragon Head fight simply because I cant stand being frozen LOL but I will begin using it for the Cleric as well as I typically went all the way to the black dragon side Cleric.
Appreciate the detailed explanation.