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Looking For An Active PVE Endgame Guild

masokist618masokist618 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
I am a level 60 Devoted Cleric and looking for an active guild for endgame. I also have a level 60 Scourge Warlock. My Cleric currently has 8500 gear score and I am 80%ish through the campaign. I will be finishing the campaign this weekend and will be working on unlocking Shores and LoL.

A little about myself. I am 34 years old and have a wife and 2 kids. I play pretty much daily and usually play a little longer on the weekends. I played WoW for over 9 years and have played many other MMOs. When raiding in WoW I was usually in 1st place for healing and have always enjoyed the role. I am in the CST time zone.

I am looking for an active mature guild that is focused on PVE Endgame. Getting my gear score up shouldn't be much of an issue. I have been focusing more lately on completing the campaign, and am looking for a guild that I can enjoy while grinding up my gear score and experiencing the end game.

If I might be of interest to your guild, either send a reply on here or message my GT - M4SOKYST in game.
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