The build that I'll lay out here comes a lot from Guidies and looking at MMOMINDS a bit.
Just as an FYI, this is by no stretch of the imagination a BIS build. It started as a pure Bulwark build at the release of Mod 6 and then after all the changes to Pally morph'd into what I'm running now.
I have always tried to build a "pure reflect, aoe" style build and will list what I am currently running now - and some BIS items that you should use if you haven't spent a bunch of AD on other items....... just to find out that they help, but there is better!
Head: Elven Restoration Armet
+200 ArmorPen
Chest: Elven Restoration Cuirass
+200 Critical Strike
Arms: Elven Restoration Couters
+200 Critical Strike
Boots: Elven Restoration Poleyns
+200 Critical Strike
Main Hand: Mace of Elemental Fire
-Class Feature: Radiant Strike
Offhand: Shield of Elemental Fire
-Class Feature: Aura of Radiance
-Stat Increase: AP Gain
Neck: Greater Imperial Dragon Cloak
+100 AP Gain
Rings: Personalized Adamant Ring(s) of Regeneration
+100 AP Gain - both
Belt: Greater Imperial Waist Band of Honor
+100 AP Gain
- I believe that Greater Plated Band of Constitution belt is BIS, with HP - which gives you power and CON which gives you more HP and hence more dps.
Shirt: Warriors Gemmed Exquisite Elemental Chainmail
Pants: Warriors Gemmed Exquisite Elemental Chausses
Sigil of the Devoted (active)
Sigil of the Oathbound Paladin
Rod of Imperial Restraint - This can be changed out for "better" artifact if your not using the complete Imperial set
Sigil of the Great Weapon Fighter
Offensive Slot 1: Profane
Offensive Slot 1: Profane
Offensive Slot 1: Profane
*Note: On the companion side of things there are a lot of options, I still like the dragon ioun stone & the blacksmith(although trying to parse how beneficial it is has been difficult). The earth archon works, I think the air would be a good choice as well. If you can find a repentanant cultist that would work as well. With this build, were really just looking for things that can add 3-4% additional damage. I would not suggest the death slaad anymore, as you can see with the changes(at the bottom) it has lost most of all it's damage potential.
Ring(s): Ring of the Loyal Avenger x3
Burning Guidance is important here, it procs off of any "attempt" to heal - and can do very good damage. See below.
-I only change Binding Oath for Smite while soloing-
At will 1: Valorous strike
At will 2: Radiant strike
Encounter 1: Templar's Wrath
Encounter 2: Binding Oath --NOTE For Binding Oath, anything longer then 4 seconds seems to kill me, plus the 4 second proc seems about the right time before the mobs are all dead. Run binding oath at 6 and 8 seconds at your own peril, you can only mitigate 80% of damage, and 8 seconds long means you may end up storing up millions of damage.
Encounter 3: Circle of Power
Dailies: Divine Protector
Dailies: Divine Judgement (to be used after DP with a DC that is spec'd for AP Gain) Note: you can ping pong these 2 dailies if you AP gain/recovery is high enough. Example, DP first then Divine Judgement - then back to DP before the first one runs out.
Class Feature: Aura of Courage
Class Feature: Aura of Radiance - *Aura of Wisdom can be swapped out for this, if you have a hard time cycling thru encounters, choose the AP gain if using wisdom for your off hand if you swap it out.
Chest: Negation
Weapon: Lighting (has to be Pure or better - Note: the labeling on transcendent is mislabled, it does not do 7% weapon damage, it does 32%/33% in testing + the 33% single target when there are no chains)
Offensive Slots: Silvery until you can "TAB" once to clear all your encounters, then Azure
Defenseive Slots: Radiants for the HP gain.
Sequence for at-wills/encounters/dailies is as follows:
DP just outside of range of the group your going to pull
Radiant Strike to the center of the group
Templar's Wrath for the Temp HP gain
Binding Oath
Circle of Power
at this point you have about 1.5 seconds to either use Radiant Strike again for the AOE damage or Valorious Strike for a few swings before you have to get your shield up. It is possible to survive Binding Oath without your shield up, but keep an eye on the red numbers and if you see several 200k,300k,400k ticks while you have binding oath - get your shield up as quickly as possible. This takes time to get use too.
Your next skill should be Divine Call to refresh everything
At this point, Ill use Divine Judgement
Then start the cycle all over again to quickly build AP for the next DP or use my Sigil of the Devoted if my AP gain seems slow.
I hope this helps for folks, if you have any question please feel free to hollar at me in game.
Here are my stats atm:
Keep in mind these are with the following buffs:
-Campfire, +1 to all ability scores
-Squash Soup, +to crit
-Wild Storm Elixer, +to crit
-Superior Elixer of Accuracy, +to crit
-Innvocation Blessing
and finally
-Potion of Heriosm, +1 to main stats
Typical ECC/Dungeon run, without the boss kill
--Win or Lose We Booze--
1) With Purifying Fire being such a small part of your DPS, do you feel it's even worth it? Did you slot this for PvP, where I admit, it's a lot more useful to give that extra bit of killing power.
2) I'd wonder how you'd perform without having Holy Resurgence and Stand Fast slotted. Removing feats from those and Purifying Fire would mean you could slot Aura Gifts from the Light tree. Considering a Protector can get enormous amounts of extra Power based on their HP, wouldn't it outperform that small bit of extra survivability? I admit, it would be darned hard to test, and you'd need a party you trust to nuke everything as quickly as possible, but I suspect granting them a ton of extra power, meaning extra damage, might outperform it.
3) The parse you did of a 'typical ECC run', was the Burning Guidance damage - probably through Prism - with a DC or Healer OP? And what kind of DC? I'd guess a Virtuous DC would make the damage spike much higher, by giving you lots of smaller heals, than a Virtuous would. If it's an OBP, both of you using Prism, that'd take the spot spot, I figure. I'd like to know, because people seem to feel a Protector OP with Burning Guidance and Prism is somehow a DPS God too.
I did not slot it for PVP, I do very little PVP to be honest, With this build - threat management, at lower item level scores can be problematic. It's not terrible, but if you watch closely while playing you can see it. When i changed from Bulwark to Justice I ended up stacking a lot of small dps "increasers", preferably aoe ones so that when I first enter an encounter I can grab everyone's attention and hold onto it for the 10-25 seconds that it lasts. To that end they all kind of play there roll, the not so great damage lightning enchant, the death slaad(which will get changed out now), over using radiant strike, burning guidance, etc. etc.
2) I'd wonder how you'd perform without having Holy Resurgence and Stand Fast slotted. Removing feats from those and Purifying Fire would mean you could slot Aura Gifts from the Light tree. Considering a Protector can get enormous amounts of extra Power based on their HP, wouldn't it outperform that small bit of extra survivability? I admit, it would be darned hard to test, and you'd need a party you trust to nuke everything as quickly as possible, but I suspect granting them a ton of extra power, meaning extra damage, might outperform it.
Isaac, I think you would be right about this, and Leeroy in fact does run his Pally build this way. I really do like the stamina regen during boss fights though - especially for the ECC boss, because of how much hp the boss's continue to have. I also like the added DR of stand fast while face tanking in the beginning of encounters, and when I'm trying to "charge" Binding Oath after having Circle of Power down. And where im at now with DR, I hardly ever bring up my shield now when Binding Oath goes off because I'm at the 80% cap.
3) The parse you did of a 'typical ECC run', was the Burning Guidance damage - probably through Prism - with a DC or Healer OP? And what kind of DC? I'd guess a Virtuous DC would make the damage spike much higher, by giving you lots of smaller heals, than a Virtuous would. If it's an OBP, both of you using Prism, that'd take the spot spot, I figure. I'd like to know, because people seem to feel a Protector OP with Burning Guidance and Prism is somehow a DPS God too.
That run was with Virtuous DC, the HoT's from that type of DC are by far the best for Burning Guidance, from a DC standpoint, I have done some healer Op runs as well, the bonus of running 2 different prism's does increase Burning Guidance. I wouldn't say double, but defiantly more then a Virt_DC. I wouldn't consider a Protector OP w/BG and Prism a dps god, BG only makes up 4% of damage on this run, with a healer OP i would suspect 7%.
-additional testing notes- I know from doing some testing on the test server over the last week, there is quite a bit of room for improvement from a DPS standpoint while still being able to face tank everything without any real difficulties. I think I read in the Citadel forum that the "lostmauth's set" isn't any good for a pally. But my testing says otherwise, with high crit/crit severity a complete lostmauth's set increases trash mobs dps by 10%, and boss encounter dps by 23% because of the added armor pen. The problem i have atm, is that I would have to change out a bunch of rank 11 azures for silvery's to get my recovery back up to where it is now, which of course means more refinement and more AD. And with Mod 7 ready to drop, I'll probably just wait.
I never really ever looked at it since there are so very few "attacks" that can crit with my build, but of course after ranking up a complete seldarine set, then dumping it into a imperial set and then ranking that up, I come to realize that "yup, lostmauth is better", oh well live and learn.