This MAIN paragon point does NOT fill the stealth bar to 100% and it annoys the heck out of me soo much because if your stealth bar is not at 100% which happens when one with the shadows activates, filling the bar to about 99%, and you take damage, for example a bit hit; let's face it, everything hits hard now. Your stealth bar is going to dissipate IMMEDIATELY! Meaning One with the Shadows is working at 20% efficiency. The potential that is in that paragon point and all it takes is a small tweak to get it back on track. I mean come on. It is SOO FRUSTRATING in PVP and PVE.
This little deviation has been here since the start of mod 6, and it's riled up many TR's in-game. I've constantly sent support e-mails, This is a last attempt.
It works quite well for me.
It does not work as the tool-tip says. Most of our Feats and powers DO NOT works as they say they will.
I run with an infinite dodge/stamina/stealth executioner. It's pretty bada$$ :>
Wk or MI? I would presume that it is a MI build due to the stealth focus.
The said event happens when you are attacked at the same time OWTS fires up, particularly often in PvP when one becomes a bit reckless while managing a Sabo and targets/attacks someone for a bit too long, at which point the resulting retaliation foils your "heh, I'll simply use an encounter to refill stealth to max and run" attempt for a few seconds.
My guess is that this is because the specific conditions of the power is not "refill stealth to MAX", but rather "refill upto 100% stealth" or something like this. If it was the former, the power would guarantee the stealth meter recognizes the "MAX" status and then automatically shrugs off all damage to the meter since its reached full. But if it were the latter, when damage comes in at the same time OWTS "refill it to 100%", then even as the meter is upto 100% at the same time it subtracts the corresponding ratio of stealth damage, resulting in such a situation.
Something easily averted through a bit of management and hardly a penalty at all, IMO.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
MI Executioner. It doesn't work with a sabo, which is why I love it. I have something they don't.