Artifact weapon: the astral seal one. To get it you need to just keep doing the tyranNY of dragons campaign. You'll get to it eventually. In order to start the artifact task you need 1 dragon bone, 1 dragon forged steel, and 1 dragon gem. All of which you can get from auction house or from farming the dragon encounters in Roth Valley or Whispering Caverns. Depending on what u want to do u.. you can unlock shores of tuern and/lair of lostmouth and you have a chance to get those from the chests at the end. I personally got my artifact weapon first before unlockING the skirmish and dungeon. The artifact offhand doesn't come until tiamat drops and even then it takes a while to grind. So the best behind that depends on what stats you want and either the t2 offhand or the castle never offhand either one works.
As for belt/cloak combo. Belt depends on how far u wanna go. You can't go wrong wish belt of wisdom. Until you able to get that Ancient Brawlers Belt of Guts will do, which you can get from castle never. Until your able to do CN, a grand brawler belt of guts can be purchased fairly cheap from the trade house. As for the cloak/neck piece Ancient Slavemaster's Necklace of Control will do until your able to get your artifact cloak. Just an FYI anything that says ancient in front of it drops from castle never. So just go for the grand versions until you can do CN. Artifact cloak is a different story Cloak of Lathander has good stats, as does the Cloak of Seldirine and Cloak of Imperial Restrainy. Cloak of Black Ice is for dps and buffer/debuffer only.
Bear in mind tho that artifact cloaks and belts may be obsolete in the xb1 version cuz of the pending release of mod 6. So depending on how much of a perfectionist you are and how much time u wanna spend in the game grind to be able to afford them, you can settle with the ancient pieces. For sure for sure get you artifact weapon and artifact offhand (when tiamat releases)
I think the belt is a no-brainer. I just bought mine for 34k off the AH. Much more expensive / time consuming to get the weapon. And I've found that regular shores is best for Dragon Eggs. You can only get Dragon Bone from the Rothe valley or Whispering Caverns dragons or EPIC shores. It doesn't drop in regular.
Thanks for confirming that you basically have to farm the campaign chest to get the weapon of choice.
Dragon eggs are for the professions. The steel, bone, and gem is from the dragons like i mentioned or the unlocked instances. The sTeel u can also purchase from the artifact vendor. U don't need to be in the epic versions of the shores or lostmouth as I have gotten dragon bones and gems from the locked chest on the left side in the regular version.
So when Tiamat drops Artifact Belt/Cloak are pretty much obsolete? I got my Belt of Wisdom of the AH this weekend and have it blue. I was aiming for the Imperial Cloak for the AP gain.
Dragon eggs are for the professions. The steel, bone, and gem is from the dragons like i mentioned or the unlocked instances. The sTeel u can also purchase from the artifact vendor. U don't need to be in the epic versions of the shores or lostmouth as I have gotten dragon bones and gems from the locked chest on the left side in the regular version.
Sorry - my typo. I meant Dragon Gems. I've had 3 drop in chests from Reg Shores. But have only ever had Bone drop from Dragons in Caverns and Rothe valley. Neverwinterpedia disagrees with your drop tables.
Lol I'm not going to argue with you over this. I know where my drops have come from and u can believe me or not. Now let's focus on the OP and help him out.
All good - I'm working through my campaign - should be able to start my Artifact Weapon in a week. Belt of Wisdom is blue, Lantern is blue. Still farming for my Imperial Cloak. I've been running CN to try to get some better rings. I'm currently 2/4 on both Miracle Healer/Grand Templar w/ T2 mainhand and offhand. GS is only 11,713 (All level 5 gems). I know I need to try to get them up to 7 before the raid. Any other suggestions?
High Prophet is considered best in Slot for all clerics, but run whatever makes you feel comfortable. Other than that sounds like you just need to grind lol
Thanks for confirming that you basically have to farm the campaign chest to get the weapon of choice.
Sorry - my typo. I meant Dragon Gems. I've had 3 drop in chests from Reg Shores. But have only ever had Bone drop from Dragons in Caverns and Rothe valley. Neverwinterpedia disagrees with your drop tables.