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why is Trs knife throw

greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
better then most ranged attacks from other classes?

They should NOT have any ranged attacks they all ready have stealth and massive dps output they need to lose all ranged damage.


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    kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    It's not better.

    ■ CoS
    - for one thing the range is 20' shorter than base ranged distance of 80'
    - the damage itself is pretty subpar~mediocre
    - it's around two times slower in repetition than it used to be

    ■ DHS
    - damage was nerfed in mod5 and it is now the game's only power that's got specficial pvp-only damage nerf
    - activation is slow as hell
    - HRs and DCs can just "unapply" the damage to themselves

    ■ IS
    - damage was nerfed a long time ago, according to balancing needs of those days, was never compensated
    - thus, a pretty slow activation, moderate damage power
    - no real utilities, as the push-back is too weak, and the stun is also useless
    - doesn't even look cool... a bland, stupid 'white glob' lobbed in a clumsy overhand fashion

    ■ Blitz
    - almost exactly same power as GWF's Hidden Daggers, except while this power is the original, far inferior
    - moderate damage, not very useful in both PvP and PvE
    - unlike GWF HD, no real utility, the slow being among the most useless, meaningless for TR
    - no 3-charges like GWF

    ...so, these are the four ranged powers a TR has. Which one is better than what power, exactly?

    If there's a problem, it's with;

    (a) Sabo TRs and their permastealth
    (b) Sabo TRs and Shadowy Opportunity (even after the nerf, still too strong)
    (c) Broken OP stuff that applies to all classes -- LostM set bonus
    (d) auto-crit while in stealth

    The ranged powers themselves, actually, are pretty blah and not very useful at all.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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    utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    CoS was freaking OP back then with 12 charges that my TR could kill any soft target (if I used all charges on one target and the person was dumb enough not to dodge it and allowed the damage bonus stacking up). They reduced it to 8 then for some mysterious reasons they made it to unlimited charges, which surprisingly op when combo it with Sabo's Shadowy Opportunity and Lostmauth set bonus.

    Even though CoS's speed was reduced by 30% or something like that, it is still the fastest single target range at-will in the whole game.

    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
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    quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    Make fresh TR and try to reach at least first top 10 pages in NCL while solo q (with minimum 50 games played), then you will know why.
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    greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    utuwer wrote: »
    CoS was freaking OP back then with 12 charges that my TR could kill any soft target (if I used all charges on one target and the person was dumb enough not to dodge it and allowed the damage bonus stacking up). They reduced it to 8 then for some mysterious reasons they made it to unlimited charges, which surprisingly op when combo it with Sabo's Shadowy Opportunity and Lostmauth set bonus.

    Even though CoS's speed was reduced by 30% or something like that, it is still the fastest single target range at-will in the whole game.

    This right here.. It needs to have its damage reduced as it SHOULD NOT BE a main damaging ability specially when it does the damage it does from stealth.
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    greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    Massive DPS output? Maybe with BIS. TR is pretty gimped right now. And CoS depletes stealth.

    ROFLMAO really? TR is GIMP? ROFLMAO dude what you smokin I could use some of that.....
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    ROFLMAO really? TR is GIMP? ROFLMAO dude what you smokin I could use some of that.....

    When you come upon a TR and he kills a CW, OP, DC, GF or GWF... easily, THAT is a skilled TR. When they can take down another TR easily... that is a truly exceptional TR. There are about 100 or so truly exceptional, non-BiS, TRs in the game. Meaning that when all things are equal, gear-wise, these TRs will melt any BiS TR.

    Does that mean that our Powers and Feats are op? No, it means we have spent a lot of time honing our skills because we cannot rely on our gear... like so many other classes can.

    Compared to CW tanks, GWF and GF monsters and Pallies and DCs... LMAO. Other than GWFs, we are the ONLY PURE Melee Striker in the game. We have no armor and we stand in the face of the enemy.

    We have had SoD ninja nerfed because of whiners.
    We have lost one complete Path, Scoundrel, because people did not like the perma-daze.
    We have had countless more nerfs and ninja nerfs because people don't like that we can hide.
    We have builds that actually work well... Perma Sabos(MI Sab), Encounter Sabos(Wk and MI Sabos) and MI Exec.

    It is a rare TR that is built and skilled well enough to PvE, well, and hang with the "big dogs".
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    drkbodhi wrote: »
    ROFLMAO really? TR is GIMP? ROFLMAO dude what you smokin I could use some of that.....

    When you come upon a TR and he kills a CW, OP, DC, GF or GWF... easily, THAT is a skilled TR. When they can take down another TR easily... that is a truly exceptional TR. There are about 100 or so truly exceptional, non-BiS, TRs in the game. Meaning that when all things are equal, gear-wise, these TRs will melt any BiS TR.

    Does that mean that our Powers and Feats are op? No, it means we have spent a lot of time honing our skills because we cannot rely on our gear... like so many other classes can.

    Compared to CW tanks, GWF and GF monsters and Pallies and DCs... LMAO. Other than GWFs, we are the ONLY PURE Melee Striker in the game. We have no armor and we stand in the face of the enemy.

    We have had SoD ninja nerfed because of whiners.
    We have lost one complete Path, Scoundrel, because people did not like the perma-daze.
    We have had countless more nerfs and ninja nerfs because people don't like that we can hide.
    We have builds that actually work well... Perma Sabos(MI Sab), Encounter Sabos(Wk and MI Sabos) and MI Exec.

    It is a rare TR that is built and skilled well enough to PvE, well, and hang with the "big dogs".

    Sounds like a player in denial actually.
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    I am glad that you feel that way. I know for a fact that these things have happened.
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    drkbodhi wrote: »
    ROFLMAO really? TR is GIMP? ROFLMAO dude what you smokin I could use some of that.....

    When you come upon a TR and he kills a CW, OP, DC, GF or GWF... easily, THAT is a skilled TR. When they can take down another TR easily... that is a truly exceptional TR. There are about 100 or so truly exceptional, non-BiS, TRs in the game. Meaning that when all things are equal, gear-wise, these TRs will melt any BiS TR.

    Does that mean that our Powers and Feats are op? No, it means we have spent a lot of time honing our skills because we cannot rely on our gear... like so many other classes can.

    Compared to CW tanks, GWF and GF monsters and Pallies and DCs... LMAO. Other than GWFs, we are the ONLY PURE Melee Striker in the game. We have no armor and we stand in the face of the enemy.

    We have had SoD ninja nerfed because of whiners.
    We have lost one complete Path, Scoundrel, because people did not like the perma-daze.
    We have had countless more nerfs and ninja nerfs because people don't like that we can hide.
    We have builds that actually work well... Perma Sabos(MI Sab), Encounter Sabos(Wk and MI Sabos) and MI Exec.

    It is a rare TR that is built and skilled well enough to PvE, well, and hang with the "big dogs".

    Sounds like a player in denial actually.

    Sound like a player without any arguments. Look at the stats of average TR in NLC. If the class was OP, none of them would've negative win ratio.

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    bittynationbittynation Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    quspiv wrote: »

    Sound like a player without any arguments. Look at the stats of average TR in NLC. If the class was OP, none of them would've negative win ratio.

    If you have a bad win/lose record doesn't mean you are a bad player. It just means you are unlucky when it comes to team / opponent selection due to the match making system. K/D ratio is a better indicator, but is still flawed because of the match making system in place.
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    quspiv wrote: »
    Sound like a player without any arguments. Look at the stats of average TR in NLC. If the class was OP, none of them would've negative win ratio.

    BOOOOOM and there it is. The writing on the wall. I have thrown in the towel... with a record of 73 wins and 77 losses. 15+ of those losses were from disconnects. I am a capping TR... not a seek and destroy TR.
    If you have a bad win/lose record doesn't mean you are a bad player. It just means you are unlucky when it comes to team / opponent selection due to the match making system. K/D ratio is a better indicator, but is still flawed because of the match making system in place.

    Actually... the better test of skill is a combination of scores, kills, and assists. Since even great players die... when they are facing 4 on 1 fights.

    Having collected close to 500k points in 150 matches tells me a lot about my abilities... more than my 585 kills and 856 deaths and 1700+ assists.
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    drkbodhi wrote: »

    BOOOOOM and there it is. The writing on the wall. I have thrown in the towel... with a record of 73 wins and 77 losses. 15+ of those losses were from disconnects. I am a capping TR... not a seek and destroy TR.

    THIS! says you are better than most TRs hahaha :D


    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    The TR that likes to play farcap has lower KD ratio than a roaming TR or a TR who clears the home node. What sucks to be a backcapper right now, is if the enemy has any sense at all, they would send you the Paladin or the DC, and you would end up with 0-0 KD after a one hour fight. It would have been decided by the 4v4 on the 2-node domination that you and the Pally were watching while eating popcorn at the enemy home node.
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    greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    I personally say remove stealth and they will be near balanced.... The only reason they are so stupidly op is because of stealth right now.

    1: They have extremely high burst/sustained damage
    2: They have piercing damage which while in stealth doe critical damage
    3: They can run away from any fight and no die (and this is the reason most play the class I am sure)
    4: They can restart any fight because of stealth

    THE ENTIRE PROBLEM WITH TR's is their stealth. By removing it they would be perfectly balanced and die and kill just like everyone else.
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I personally say remove stealth and they will be near balanced.... The only reason they are so stupidly op is because of stealth right now.

    1: They have extremely high burst/sustained damage
    2: They have piercing damage which while in stealth doe critical damage
    3: They can run away from any fight and no die (and this is the reason most play the class I am sure)
    4: They can restart any fight because of stealth

    THE ENTIRE PROBLEM WITH TR's is their stealth. By removing it they would be perfectly balanced and die and kill just like everyone else.

    Ok so then I will say this. The entire problem with OPs is the high def and Auras... they would be more balanced if that was gone. GWFs would be more balanced if Unstoppable was eradicated. CWs would be more balanced if Repel and Entangled was removed. Things would be balanced if HRs did not have rooting powers. GFs shield is too powerful, it needs to go.

    Okay so in your world everyone fights you with spoons and their Peasant outfit... because you know best.

    If you restrict the perma-stealth and ItC and the bugs related to other TR powers, then you may have something. I will tell you all this much... THERE ARE VERY FEW 'perma' TRs any more. There are more 'I want to watch you die TRs' now.

    I don't just back cap... I choose to roam between 2 and 3... sometimes 1 if needed. If there are too many opponents on 2, I will help thin their numbers, if possible.

    Yes, I have had double digit kill matches and only a few times had a lower number of deaths.
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    There is only one particular TR build that is truly "unfair," the MI Saboteur. It is not "unfair" because of stealth. Go read about it.

    I think we can all agree on that one. There are a HUGE differences between a MI 'perma' Sab and a MI 'encounter' Sab, a Wk Sab or a MI Exec.

    One disappears A LOT and the others run or roll around A LOT... and they like to be up close and personal when the time comes.

    BTW... I call it 'encounter' Sab because I do not have any other way to describe the build... the encounters will possibly refill Stealth. The Wk Sab build is very similar. If you damage them before it procs, then you have a fight on your hands... until they can use stealth... then you are most likely dead.
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    greenkrickettgreenkrickett Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    drkbodhi wrote: »
    I personally say remove stealth and they will be near balanced.... The only reason they are so stupidly op is because of stealth right now.

    1: They have extremely high burst/sustained damage
    2: They have piercing damage which while in stealth doe critical damage
    3: They can run away from any fight and no die (and this is the reason most play the class I am sure)
    4: They can restart any fight because of stealth

    THE ENTIRE PROBLEM WITH TR's is their stealth. By removing it they would be perfectly balanced and die and kill just like everyone else.

    Ok so then I will say this. The entire problem with OPs is the high def and Auras... they would be more balanced if that was gone. GWFs would be more balanced if Unstoppable was eradicated. CWs would be more balanced if Repel and Entangled was removed. Things would be balanced if HRs did not have rooting powers. GFs shield is too powerful, it needs to go.

    Okay so in your world everyone fights you with spoons and their Peasant outfit... because you know best.

    If you restrict the perma-stealth and ItC and the bugs related to other TR powers, then you may have something. I will tell you all this much... THERE ARE VERY FEW 'perma' TRs any more. There are more 'I want to watch you die TRs' now.

    I don't just back cap... I choose to roam between 2 and 3... sometimes 1 if needed. If there are too many opponents on 2, I will help thin their numbers, if possible.

    Yes, I have had double digit kill matches and only a few times had a lower number of deaths.

    Your problem is this: You hate dieing, you like to control (funny cause noone has control) your fights, You like to pick and choose your targets. The list goes on. Fact remains only reason TRs are the most played class is because of stealth, because people hate dieing and being able to stealth and run away is very easy with that class.

    Stealth would not even be an issue if it broke on damage and you had to wait x amount of time without taking or doing damage before being able to reenter stealth. Yet when you have a class that does the damage this class does with the ability to reenter stealth as easily as it can it becomes a huge problem.

    I understand you not wanting to lose your precious crutch.

    Oh and Palys issue is not auras it is their stupid encounter powers that give them temp HPs and ability to take 0 damage.
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    LOL... I accept dying as part of life and the game. In fact I laugh every time I get killed. I do not expect anything but dying.

    You must not know very many TRs personally. I do not know many that chose that class because of Stealth. I chose a TR because I am a TR... I have always played Thieves, Rogues and Assassins in D&D and in other MMO's. I know the mechanics... and I stick with it.

    Stealth does break on damage... UNLESS you use ItC before you use Stealth.

    I am not a perma TR... so I do not rely on a crutch to get what I get. In fact, I know many TRs that feel the same way about perma TRs... they do not know how to play the class and they NEED it to be better.

    If you see a TR... more than you don't... watch out. Why? Because that TR is confident to know he does not need to hide to kill you.
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    1: They have extremely high burst/sustained damage
    2: They have piercing damage which while in stealth doe critical damage
    3: They can run away from any fight and no die (and this is the reason most play the class I am sure)
    4: They can restart any fight because of stealth

    TRs do have problems, but some of these statements are misleading.

    1. Wrong. TR does not have high burst. You are talking about piercing and execute powers. See below for distinctions. Our "burst" powers are Lashing Blade, Whirlwind of Blades, both of which do pathetic damage.
    2. Shadow Opportunity and Oppressive Darkness (piercing) are not critical damage. You are arguing for Shocking Execution, see below again.
    3. Any class can <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out and run away. That is not a TR-only ability. Granted, stealth makes it easy to do. But the GWF can sprint away, an SW can shadow slip away, and practically any class with a dodge can chain it to disengage from battle.
    4. - Your statement does not even make sense - Stealth does not refresh First Strike, does not refill encounters and dailies or refill HP. This myth is stupid and has to go.

    Shocking Execution

    In its previous form, Shocking Execution did not qualify as a "burst" power, but an "execute." Difference being, executes deal more damage as the target's health diminishes. Examples; Anvil of Doom, Killing Flames, Gloaming Cut and Shocking Execution.

    Module 6 broke Shocking Execution by removing the health-scaling mechanic. If I do remember correctly, you were the same people who complained about it. So you've brought this upon yourselves.

    To sum up, removing our TAB (Stealth) like you proposed is just another typical dumb response from an inexperienced player.
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    Fact remains only reason TRs are the most played class is because of stealth.

    I created my first TR April 2013. I chose it because it was the only dual-sword wielding class. I'm not a fan of Shields or Greatswords. That, and the opening cutscene with Xuna vs the zombie hulk.
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User

    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    rustlord wrote: »
    4: They can restart any fight because of stealth

    4. - Your statement does not even make sense - Stealth does not refresh First Strike, does not refill encounters and dailies or refill HP. This myth is stupid and has to go.
    He means TRs can go back to stealth thank to Shadow strike (encounter) and/or One with the shadows (Sabo capstone). Then they can either disengage from or reengage the fight as they want.
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
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    dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    icyphish wrote: »
    drkbodhi wrote: »

    BOOOOOM and there it is. The writing on the wall. I have thrown in the towel... with a record of 73 wins and 77 losses. 15+ of those losses were from disconnects. I am a capping TR... not a seek and destroy TR.

    THIS! says you are better than most TRs hahaha :D

    I'll see your "THIS" and raise you a "DITTO".

    Backcapping TRs get the same rage and hate as other TRs, but with a mediocre kill/death and score.
    They are actually unselfish team players.

    My pvp main is a healbot FaiDO DC.

    Very few kills, "meh" score.
    But alotta wins and happy teammates.

    I feel your pain, drkbodhi..

    [shudders in horror]

    A DC in sympathetic solidarity with a TR?

    Tempus! Forgive me!
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    utuwer wrote: »
    rustlord wrote: »
    4: They can restart any fight because of stealth

    4. - Your statement does not even make sense - Stealth does not refresh First Strike, does not refill encounters and dailies or refill HP. This myth is stupid and has to go.
    He means TRs can go back to stealth thank to Shadow strike (encounter) and/or One with the shadows (Sabo capstone). Then they can either disengage from or reengage the fight as they want.

    Is being able to restealth in-combat that unfair? I think not. In fact, being able to drop in and out of stealth with some sustain and damage is healthy gameplay. What's wrong about it is that there is exactly one path "sabo" that can capitalize on unlimited stealth and be able to dish out the highest amount of piercing damage in the game. This is not the case of Executioners and Scoundrels, for whom control and sustain are offset by damage.
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    asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I saw most of the 'nerfs' mentioned in this post as fixes or adjustments. To complain about them is like

    CW... I were able to stack HV debuff and kill every boss in seconds,
    ... I were able to kill everyone with assailant procs in PvP,
    ... I were able to rotate shield pop and OP without delay,
    but they nerfed it.

    GWF... I have been immortal,
    ... I were able to oneshot 5 ppl without aiming
    ... I had bleeds, that almost doubled my dps,
    but they nerfed it.

    HR ... I had an ability that instahealed me,
    ... I was able to chast 5 thorn wards simultanious,
    but they nerfed it.

    I played all of these classes, when the bugs were live and I never thought, that this is intended or wont be fixed. The same is valid vor every other class. A player interested in balanced fights might be sad, that an OP feat gets fixed, but should not complain.

    I have to admit, that the fact, that SoD does not get applied to every target in Mod 6 is crappy, but this is more of a PvE dps issue and not a PvP problem.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    asterotg wrote: »

    I have commented the same in an older thread. Balance is not a fixed matter that is established by broken vs WAI factors in the game, but by time and experience. Said balance always tries to wiggle itself in every module. This is because players improve overall and learn to adapt through time. So much so that, those who first abused the imbalance regressed to a feeling of "normalcy," find ways to justify this and that, and why, even overpowered, certain weaknesses compensate for it.

    A good example is the root-abusing HR. They do so not out of choice, but out of their currently limited options. Over time, this becomes acceptable. Inevitably, the issue will be fixed and what felt normal before will have become a crutch. At that point, it doesn't occur as a "bug fix" anymore, but a "nerf" to the current meta by any standards.

    On Trickster Rogues, the currently accepted "normal" exists in form of permastealth and piercing damage. One or the other, by itself, isn't a big problem alone. But take pause to imagine when stealth and ITC are gone, and piercing is gone. TR has no decent control, no decent normal damage, and no decent sustain. It's important to focus which side of the problem is the most gamebreaking, and address that. There is no need to eviscerate the class and crucify every player who happens to play that class.

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