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    strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    I would like nothing more than including players' opinions during development. Whether you see it or not, I actually report a lot of these issues to the devs on a weekly basis. Due to your feedback, both PWE and Cryptic are encouraging the devs to be more active in communication, hence the amount of dev blogs, PvP alpha testing, how active they are in the Preview subforums and so on and so forth. We're trying, but there's only so many of us.

    A bunch of you have reported bugs to me; many of which have been fixed. I've even gone on Preview to help test certain bugs and will continue doing so as I want this game to be as amazing as everyone knows it can be.

    Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
    Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame 
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    Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger

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    peterbilodeaupeterbilodeau Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    I've noticed more dev activity on the forums recently (particularly, as you mention, on the Preview forums), and you, strumslinger in particular, have been very forthcoming and present. Obviously, just speaking for myself: it's appreciated and definitely hope-inspiring.
    I may be wrong (or too new to the forums), but it seems like the last week or two, there has been more back and forth between the content creators and the content consumers than I have seen at any point previously. That impression and my guild are keeping me from giving up on Neverwinter - because it has tremendous potential - and instead hoping that even if it doesn't end up "perfect", it'll be a great, fun, game again.
    There is a finite number of issues that need to be fixed and the fact that communication is taking place, and bug reports are being addressed, makes it look much more surmountable than it did two weeks ago. I'm sure we wear you guys out with issues and suggestions, but I want to give you and the dev team working on getting their arms around the problems at least my thanks for your efforts.
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    silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    I am hopeful that, with discussions such as this thread, we can move forward. Those of us that take the time to read/post in the forums typically fall into one of two categories - those that want a "better" game and those that just want to complain ("nerf class A because I can't one-shot them in PvP").

    If we can keep the momentum going while still being respectful, I think we can all see many positive things happening. One thing I'd like to add - everyone wants the devs to read and respond in the forums. I think that tactic has proven less effective lately with all of the content and game logic changes. I'd rather see their bosses in the forums more. They could get an understanding of the issues we face and how to better schedule development time to address the issues.

    "Hey Panderus, we saw that class A is having an issue with power B causing a lag. Let's schedule some time for you to work on a fix for that."

    Until we (devs, community mods, forum mods and players alike) can get some buy-in from, at least, the middle management, the great ship USS Cryptic will be slow to change course. If my boss believes in what I"m doing, I have a much better chance at success. If he/she thinks that I should be working on something else, well I have to do that.

    I aim to misbehave
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    alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    Speaking of Panderus, where is he?
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    regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,044 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Scourge Warlock Temptation path broken since module 6.
    Scourge Warlock Harrowstorm ability broken since May 15th.
    Scourge Warlock Damnation path with a bugged soul puppet, that refuses to follow you sometimes.

    I tried bringing up the problem with Harrowstorm in a thread, where the Lead Dev suggested, that we players have to use our disrupt abilities to prevent enemies from using their way overpowered health potions or healing spells.

    Never heard anything back from it...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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