During mod 5, shadow of demise was double proccing with DoT enchantments and we all know that, but after the ''fix'' of the feat, its more broken tham ever, considering the IMPORTANCE of this feat, lets list.
1° BUG - Tooltip say it proc with my POWERS, that mean, encounters, at-wills and dailies, but its only procing with some specific encounters.
2° BUG - After it proc, you need to go OUT STEALTH and ON STEALTH again for re-activate the feat, making it useless if the TR wanna proc it more tham 1 time using shadow strike, if i keep myself stealth all time i cant proc it again, never, just if i breake my stealth and return to stealth, it looks like who fixed it doesnt knew how to do it and putter a barrier for it doesnt proc more tham 1 time on stealth.
3° BUG - The Tooltip say u dont lose stealth for incomming damange but its not rly working, it reduce a bit the amount lost but if u take a great hit u still lost stealth bar.
The 1° bug some people could say that its ''intended'' but no, i've following all the patch notes since mode 5 end and they said nothing about that changes on shadow of demise, it was on mod 6 preview since the test period and we had hope that didnt came bugged.
The 2° one is a way for people dont ''bug'' it but its broking the mechanic for who wanna use it correctly.
Noticed that you guys have fixed a lot of important things so thx one more time for listening to us and doing a nice job.
Trickster Rogue