A rework of the leveling system couldn't hurt either. Going from map to map, then back where you just came from is annoying to say the least. If you could do all of Canada while you're there, then move to the dessert and do all of that. In other words level by map area. I still get confused as to where I should be leveling…
Thank you Ansemthedark. yes that was the issue. The Cryptic GM staff helped me find and fix the problem. Thank you Zeon and Zildross for all your help. This was not a bug or game issue, just clumsy old me accidently changing a game setting. Thanks again to everyone who helped.
I would like a player version of BlackMask's Tights and Mask from Vibora Bay. I know we have something similar in the diamond tights. But the non-player version worn by BlackMask is better.
I haven't seen an LTS sale since Gearbox took over. Does anyone know if the sales have been discontinued? I expected one at the first of the year 2023, January or February but we are now in March and still no LTS sale.
While I realize now I might have let a bit more displeasure seep through in the original post, I truly would like to know if there is a information venue that is kept current? Because these forums are not.