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truecampor Arc User



  • Recording Let's Play-style videos is quite a bit easier. That tends to be live commentary, and recording Skype and other audio programs can be done at the same time, at least with Fraps. I think Dxtory as well. Then it's a lot less complicated. All you have to do at that point is bring all the video files into an editor,…
  • Okay, in that case I'd personally recommend recording the informational and playthrough content using one of the aforementioned external recorders and using a separate microphone recorder. You're more likely going to want to do post-commentary so you can focus on what you're saying rather than splitting focus between…
  • Well, gameplay and sound is easy enough- The recording programs already mentioned do both of those. For the second point, I might need some clarification but it sounds kind of like you want three separate tracks? Meaning one for video, one for game audio, and one for external input, like the microphone? I don't know any…
  • I've tried recording to another drive, but Dxtory just tends to give me better frames than Fraps does regardless. I don't really know why, but that seems to be the general consensus when it comes to comparing the two. I just prefer Fraps in general.
  • I'd say 'spoilers' but since the game doesn't exist any more... In the 40-50 range as a villain, you actually go to the future when Recluse is at the height of his power, beat him down then show his helmet to him in the past as proof that you're superior to him. That's probably the best point of being of a Villain. Of…
  • It really depends what you want out of it. If you're doing commentary of some sort (like for a Let's Play or for information regarding gameplay), I'd suggest either Fraps or Dxtory. Both are pretty damn good recording software, and they allow you to record your own microphone based audio using them. Fraps has a reputation…
  • Honestly, I don't think that game could stand up to my expectations of something like that. I'd want there to be a morality system that's based on avoiding large-scale property damage and civilian injury with your powers while taking down other superpowered enemies, then having it so if you stay on the less…
  • I wouldn't be so annoyed with this if I were rubberbanding or having any other connection issues, but I'm not. My connection to the game is perfect until I get the random disconnection. I don't even get the 'Lost connection to server' warning, it's just a straight up boot every minute or so. Minimizing makes it happen…